Innovative Methods of Hydrogen Storage for use as fossil fuel replacement.

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August 13, 2001



Fossil fuels have been the fuel sources of choice for modern civilization.  There are limited stores of these fuels, and man must go to increasing lengths to extract available stores. This has had adverse effects on the environment, and environmentalists are increasingly successful in their efforts to preserve areas that contain these reserves of fossil fuels.  The United States depends on oil for over 50% of its energy needs.  The finite supply of this energy source is escalating the search for alternative energy sources.  Also, the combustion products of these fuels contribute to air pollution and global warming, further threatening the quality of life for all.

 Nuclear power generation was once thought to be the power source of the future. However, accidents at nuclear power facilities and disposal problems with the products of energy generation using this method have resulted in the rethinking of this energy source.

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Electric vehicles have been touted as the next step to eliminate reliance on fossil fuels.  The stumbling block on this path is efficient and lightweight storage of enough power to parallel fossil fuel vehicles already in use.  To date, there has been no storage system that can produce enough power to economically and safely power a vehicle for realistic use.      

Hydrogen is the most plentiful element on the planet.  Most alternative energy experts agree that hydrogen is the frontrunner in alternative fuels.  There are several methods that are being explored for hydrogen storage and use in transportation. ...

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Mark: 3/5 This essay outlines some key issues regarding fuel usage and possible alternatives to fossil fuels. In order to get 4/5, a concluding statement should be added to round the essay off. In order to get 5/5, the essay would have to include significantly more detail, for example discussing specific materials in depth and providing clearer references.