
         Why are so many individuals, young and old, involved in gang related activity? Why do so many children feel that being in a gang is both an acceptable and a prominent way to live? On the surface, gangs are a direct result of human beings' personal wants and peer pressure. But when we dig much deeper into the minds of children who have joined gangs, the cause becomes much deeper than appears on the surface.

Why people join gangs

         The most common reason is that they become a member of a gang to escape the abuse of their “home life.” Many of the children I have talked with come from broken homes with a history of drug abuse and physical abuse. Many are poverty stricken, and the appeal of joining a gang offers them a sense of friendship, camaraderie, and a sense of family life that they are not receiving at home.  Surprising as this may be, many children join gangs because of their parents and relatives being active gang members, and joining a gang is more or less a family tradition for many of these troubled youth. Being part of a gang is a way for many youths to gain respect, money, and also physical protection. Being in a gang can provide economic opportunities, a position of rank within their community, and also a reputation.

        The causes for joining a gang for many youth is so appealing because gang life provides a way out of the abuse and low self-esteem many youth feel at home. Racism is another cause for many youths to become a member of a gang. Joining a gang increases tremendously when an individual has encountered both personal and institutional racism. Anytime groups of individuals are denied access to power, constitutional and human rights, and possessions, they often will form their own anti-establishment group.

Join now!

        The media influences in today’s society also have a profound effect on our youth. Often before many of today’s youth have developed a moral distinction between right and wrong, they are influenced by the media, such as movies, music, and magazines that are geared toward today’s youth in portraying drugs, sex, and violence as an acceptable way of life. Simply put, our youth are bombarded by all forms of media, which portrays the “glamorous lifestyle” that is led by offending lyrics in music, offensive scenes toward authority in movies, and also the many articles that detail the many “scandals” involving ...

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