Implications of Cultural Variety for IT Code of Ethics.

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Implications of Cultural Variety for IT Code of Ethics

                                                                                                 Beth Fratcher

Information Management Systems, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool UK.

Email: [email protected]


IT organizations are growing along with the international businesses they service. Driven by globalisation, the world is becoming a single workplace and marketplace. Like all professionals, IT professionals who work within these organizations regularly face problems of an ethical and moral nature. In making decisions, what cultural, social and ethical norms should apply – those of the professionals’ home culture or those of the culture in which they are working, and indeed, are these two choices necessarily different? The answer to this question is the focus of this paper.

“Each Nation has many customs and practices which are not only unknown to another nation but barbarous and a cause of wonder.”                Michael de Montaigne (De Botton 2000)

1.0 Globalisation and IT

That which we today call globalisation is merely the latest phase of a process which has been under way since Portuguese navigators of the 15th and 16th centuries first began to open up the globe through exploration. “Religion, technology, economy and empire” have been the four “major engines” driving this process (Mazrui 2000), at greater or lesser rates since the Industrial Revolution. Current definitions of globalisation stress the economic engine driving this process, which has taken the global economy “from a collection of closed national markets [to] an integrated global market” (King 1999).

Observers such as Grossholtz (1998) and Mazrui (2000) raise legitimate concerns over the adverse consequences of the current wave of globalisation and point out the parallels with the “cultural imperialism” of earlier centuries (Mazrui 2000). One of the more obvious results of globalisation is that the influence of western culture now reaches into every corner of the globe. Some examples of this include the almost universal adoption of western business dress, the Gregorian calendar and Microsoft software, as well as the widespread acceptance of western music (particularly of “pop” music by the young) and CNN satellite news broadcasts as the authoritative source of news (Donaldson 1996; Lipinski & Britz 1999; Pohl 1999).

The fall of the Iron Curtain has seen western culture, and that of the United States in particular, rise to the level of “de-facto universalistic power” (Pohl 1999). This is based primarily on the economic strength of the West and the U.S. Dollar (Pohl 1999). Whilst some commentators (Gittins 2000) note a growing hostility towards globalisation among the populations of democracies and believe that the process can be stopped, there appears to be little evidence that the process will not continue in some form or other. For better or worse, the expansion of the geographical bounds of western cultural influence and the internationalisation of businesses seem destined to continue for the foreseeable future.

Globalisation is carrying along with it the computer services industry and the IT professional (Downer 1997; European Commission Brussels 1997). It is now commonplace for an IT business to operate across borders and cultures – employing IT professionals from diverse cultural backgrounds and/or outsourcing work units to IT teams based in locations and cultures spread across the globe (Head 1997; Hemphill 1997; Ellis 1997). Indeed, information technology itself is an artefact of western culture (“western imperialism” say some – Lenarcic 1999 and Mazrui 2000) as witnessed by the English language and Latin alphabet used by all of the major programming languages and the predominant binary codes in which all data was enclosed – EBCDIC and ASCII (the ‘A’ IN WHICH STANDS FOR “American” (Lenarcic 1999))

2.0 Ethics

Ethics are a “set of principles of right conduct” (Chao et al 1995), which are developed by, and reflect the values of, a particular culture at a particular time (Mazrui 2000). Well-defined ethical values are necessary in order to express “the principle duties, rights, obligations and responsibilities of the IT professional” (Barroso 1999). All cultures have a set of ethical values or rules concerning what is morally right and what is morally wrong. Through globalisation, non-western cultures around the world are being exposed to the values of the west, and on a superficial level at least, appear to be adopting western culture. However, the adoption of the outward signs of western culture such as business dress codes does not necessarily mean that the culture has abandoned its own social, ethical and moral values in favour of those of the other. Indeed, the underlying values of non-western cultures appear to remain intact in the face of exposure to western culture (Hinman 1998).

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In the field of information technology, while there is evidence that the processes of engineering and implementation of IT systems are being successfully exported to non-western cultures as a consequence of globalisation (Vittal 1999), the adoption of western social and ethical values by these cultures is another matter. Donaldson (1996) agrees with the philosopher Michael Walter that “there is no Esperanto of global ethics”. He concludes that the ethical values of the world’s cultures remain diverse.

The field of computing is generating many different ethical questions (Hull 2000) and the variation in the ethical and social norms across ...

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