Kings and Aristocracy


Questions:       Explain the disappearance of the senatorial aristocracy (ONE geog area if you wish) (2000).

                        Explain the growing involvement of bishops in secular government (2000).

How far, and why, did the senatorial aristocracy survive into the seventh century in the former empire in the West? (1997)

In what ways did barbarian rulers rule? (1995)

Were heavenly patrons more important than worldly lords? (1995)



Changing face of the aristocracy: (Ward-Perkins)


w         Classical authority valued honourable office (e.g. Boethius’ joy when his two sons are both made consuls). and education (culture dominated by exchange of elaborately written letters – involvement required education – not archaic rambling but reinforcement of membership of  class). Demilitarised class.

w         Early medieval aristos were militarised. Greater interest in personal goods (e.g. Sutton Hoo treasure / e.g. liking for exotic goods – silk in Scandinavia and fur in the caliphate). Germanic tradition of valuing possession of weaponry – fighting skills integral to social status. For old Gallo-Roman aristocrats, new attitude an inevitable consequence of society in which war was endemic. (e.g. Italy – demilitarised until Ostrogothic era; wars of reconquest generalised militarisation in C6 (reports of Procopius).

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w         Contrast – example of feasting – Romans recline on couches; good food and wine to kindle intelligence and powers    v.      Beowulf-style images of drunken feasts backed by warrior ethos. These are stereotypes.

w         A more moral and Christian society – but aristocracy dominated access to higher learning and retained unchanging sense of superiority throughout the period.

w         Contempt for those at the bottom of society common to both – (e.g. Symmachus’ letter indicates his outrage at prisoners who inconsiderately committed suicide instead of performing at the gladiatorial games / Sidonius Apollinarius compares the educated and ignorant to men and beasts).


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