Samuel Taylor Coleridge - Critically evaluate the 'life approach' in regards to moral status.

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Resembles Life what once was held of Light,

Too ample in itself for human sight?

An absolute Self--an element ungrounded

All, that we see, all colours of all shade

By encroach of darkness made ?

Is very life by consciousness unbounded ?

And all the thoughts, pains, joys of mortal breath,

A war-embrace of wrestling Life and Death ?


  Critically evaluate the ‘life approach’ in regards to moral status.

        Humans are the only living organisms with the potential to wield the sword of intellectual power in determining who is worthy of moral status. We are in effect the kings of the road with the power to decide and what ever we desire all life on earth will be forced to abide.  In defining if any other entity is worthy of moral status the central issue deals with asking the question, is there anything of intrinsic value beyond human beings and if so what kinds of beings ought to be considered in our moral deliberations. The life approach argues the case that all life is the single criterion, which is necessary for full moral status. I will critically examine the life approach to see if it can practically hold up to close scrutiny as a moral theory.


What are the characteristics of life, what does it mean to be alive and what are life’s determinates. The question of trying to define the criterion of what ought to count, as a living thing is unclear. I will now try to paint a picture of defining a living entity; these entities are what the life approach view try’s to attribute moral status to.

Living things are entities made up of individual parts, which when grouped together complete a being; this being is what we usually attribute to having moral status. In other words cells organs and tissues and the parts that make up a living organism are not assigned moral status individually but given moral status when working together with other cells organs and tissues. Some individuals have argued that organs can have moral status when you recognize that they have a good of their own. However when you harm an individual organ of an organism you would not say the organ has been wronged but that the individual as a whole has been. Also no one would sensibly doubt that it is right to remove an organ to benefit the whole organism, for example removing the tonsils to improve the overall health.

We can ask the question here, what does it mean to be and take to be an organism? It’s been suggested that the world of even the universe could be one giant organism. However this essay will discuss whether moral status should be attributed to actually individual organisms. This essay will not deal with how or whether they work together in a higher structure, which could be regarding moral status to things such as ecosystem or an entire planet but this essay will concentrate on whole beings that may contribute to an overall system.

        Living things are not inanimate or dead. Inanimate things have never been alive while dead things can no longer be alive. However there is some debate to the question of when does something cease to live, for the body of organisms can die at different rates. The boundary of life is a controversial question shrouded in mist.

        Living things have characteristics in common which we can use to make up a criterion of life.  These criterions of life for organisms are that they ingest food, produce energy, grow, reproduce and maintain their own internal states. However these principles cannot be a necessary or sufficient condition for life, they can only be used to look for signs of life. These criterions cannot be necessary conditions because there are organisms that don’t need to hold to these principles and it cannot be sufficient because there are recognized inanimate objects such as crystals that do hold to these principles.

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        It is thought of as unacceptable to define living things as a spiritual entity or a soul, due to their being no empirical proof in biology. However Biology is incapable of defining if there is a spiritual side and souls to organisms. This is because it would need to go beyond the empirical observation that science can give us.  However science is a tool, which tries to gain harmony with the truth and not a thing that declares truth. If something is beyond the scope of its capabilities it is obviously impossible for it to declare it. We only have ...

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