The speed and development of prenatal diagnosis techniques has been little short of explosive (De Crespigny and Savulescu, 2002 ).

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     The speed and development of prenatal diagnosis techniques has been little short of explosive (De Crespigny and Savulescu, 2002 ). The importance of psychological and psychotherapeutic help for women and couples following the prenatal diagnosis of a malformation is clearly mentioned in the literature (Leither et al, 2002). Following the introduction of the alpha-feta protein screening for neural tube defects in the 1970’s, low alpha-feta protein level for Downs Syndrome in the 1980’s, multiple markers seen on ultrasound in the 1990’s there is now, after the millennium, combined ultrasound and biochemistry for a more precise risk identification. These developments have radically changed the approach towards optimizing the sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive values of screening (Evans et al 2002).

     The choice of words used to describe a condition or to inform women about the level of risk of an adverse event occurring may significantly affect how that woman perceives that condition or risk (Abramsky and Fletcher, 2002). Some tests give definite answers, these are diagnostic tests such as amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling. Other tests only indicate risk, such as the triple test or nuchal translucency scan, these are screening tests. Pregnant women should be informed about the purpose of any screening test before it is performed, and her right to either accept or decline the test should be made clear (National Institute for Clinical Excellence, 2003).

     Midwifery literature reflects an increasing awareness of the psychological costs of screening to a mother (Van den Akker, 1995 ; Downie, 1994 ; Grayson, 1996 ; Massay-Davis, 1998, cited in Lee, 2000) and concern is now being raised about the possible psychological emotional and psychical effects of prenatal diagnosis on postnatal life. Midwives involved in prenatal screening need to be aware of their own feelings about screening and disability. They should be involved in the planning of any future antenatal screening programmes within their workplace and highlight factors such as lack of time and knowledge which may inhibit their ability to facilitate informed choice (Williams et al, 2002).

     This assignment will evaluate the literature to determine the current state of knowledge around the area of prenatal diagnosis of fetal abnormality, existing practice and support networks for parents. Rees (1997) describes a literature review as a clear process that can be followed in three stages, locating the literature, extracting relevant detail and writing the review. Literature searches using the Midirs and Cinahl databases were carried out in preparation for this assignment. Further information was obtained from the medical library and sources including many support organisations available to assist parents.

     This assignment will look at prenatal screening and diagnostic tests. Furthermore it will address the difficult choices that parents can face and the information they receive to help make these choices. Lethal and non-lethal abnormalities will be considered and the situation regarding termination of pregnancy in Northern Ireland. Finally grief and loss will be addressed and throughout the assignment, the focus will be on the midwives role in providing support to parents.


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     Within the current political culture, childbirth has become a business-like, medicalised event that must be managed and made economically viable. The need for the National Health Service to be prudent and limit long term public health expenditure has been covertly demonstrated in the National Maternal Programme for Fetal Abnormality, specifically neural tube defects and Downs Syndrome (Green, 1994; Cuckle, 1998). Nationally, antenatal anomaly screening allows the diagnosis and selective abortion of those fetuses identified as suffering serious congenital malformation. However not all conditions of fetal abnormality are aborted, the selection criteria appears to include only those fetuses who are either incompatible with life or whose disability would result in possible mental incapacity and probable life-long dependency (Lee, 2000). In keeping with the National Institute for Clinical Excellence Guidelines for Antenatal Care (2003) pregnant women should be offered an ultrasound scan to screen for structural anomalies, ideally between 18-20 weeks gestation, by an appropriately trained sonographer and with equipment of an appropriate standard as outlined by the National Screening Committee.

     While ultrasound scanning may be offered routinely, what is possible to observe and the implications of so doing, are ever changing. It is essential, therefore, to ensure that regardless of the screening / diagnostic test being carried out, that pregnant women are fully informed of all possibilities before giving their consent (Ferguson, 2001).

     Some argue that the routine use of ultrasound in pregnancy has never been evaluated (Robinson and Beech, 1993) and can reveal information that women may not wish to know (Straham and Green, 1993). Venn-Treloar (1998) found that woman were being screened for Downs Syndrome by having measurements taken of the nuchal translucency without consent being obtained. Many mothers attend for ultrasound scan believing that this is designed to confirm that their baby is well. Women do not always understand that the purpose of the scan is to detect abnormalities. The staff responsible for detecting and investigating abnormalities need to be trained in the emotional care and support that women need around this time (Thomas, 1997). For many women it is only when they are presented with abnormal scan findings that they start to consider the implications of these findings.

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     Many authors have reiterated the importance of childbearing women being provided with information in order that they make informed choices (Stapleton et al, 2002). Many of these choices such as whether to undergo screening tests for fetal abnormality have important implications for the woman and her family. Making choices and putting them into operation involves complex processes influenced by many factors including information obtained from midwives (Levy, 1999). Before embarking on any prenatal tests Moore (1997) suggests that parents should consider what they will do with the information they receive. This will be based on a number of ...

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