Business culture is the state of commercial development in a country.

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European Business


Business culture is the state of commercial development in a country.  It takes the values, attitudes and norms, which underpin commercial activities and helps to shape the behaviour of companies in a given country.  These companies in turn, develop their own individual ‘corporate cultures’, which manifest the way we do things.

There is no such thing as a single, homogenous European business culture.  Europe contains as many business and government, the shape and orientation of the economy, the financial institutions and the trade unions all exert a profound effect on the business cultures of all European countries.

The business culture in a particular country grows partly out of what could be called the ‘current business environment’ of that country.  Foe instance, most companies in Western Germany are not in business to make profits, which will be distributed to shareholders as dividends, they are in business to generate surpluses in order to stay in business.  Germany’s business culture consists of:

  • A tendency to be product-led rather than market-oriented
  • Manufacturing companies over-engineering their products
  • Their preference for straight forward bank funding rather than complex share capital from financial institutions
  • Publicity shyness by small-medium sized firms
  • Lack of entrepreneurial spirit throughout business

The business culture in Western Germany is affected by the attitudes and policies adopted by the federal government in Bonn.  The business culture in Western Germany is dominated by considerations of manufacturing and the wealth-creation associated with it.

In the context of the EU, it is essential to be aware of cultural differences and similarities in the following circumstances:

  • Arranging business meetings
  • Planning, advertising and promotion
  • Setting up a foreign production facility & employing local people
  • Attitude to time keeping
  • The level of formality
  • Attitudes to business entertaining

For Britain and Ireland, timekeeping is relaxed, where in Portugal, it is not as important.  In Germany and the Netherlands, where decisions are taken by consensus, managers spend a great deal of time in discussion and seeking the opinions of their employees.  A German manager cannot be expected to make an on the spot decision but once taken, the decision is unlikely to be reversed.  In France, however, the boss will consult the employees for information but will then make the decisions independently.

In Germany and Portugal, relationships at work are very formal by comparison with the Dutch and the Danes where dress is more relaxed and colleagues are likely to address each other by their first names.

There are strong geographical differences in Europe and some important differences within Europe itself, which you should know about when doing business.  There are 4 different aspects of people’s attitudes, which are called Inequality, Individuality, Masculinity and Uncertainty avoidance and these all make up the table of cultural differences between countries.


The table below shows that the more a country is tolerant of large differences between people, the higher the score.  So Austria with a score of 11 has few class distinctions and there is little distance between senior management and employees, whereas France scores highest and senior management is very remote from employees.

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 With the exception of Austria and Ireland (which has been very much influenced by protestant Britain), this score also mirrors the religious background of each European country with high scores being catholic and low scores being protestant, creating a North-South European division.


A high score means that people feel responsibity only to themselves and their immediate family, whereas low scores indicate countries where the extended families and the local community are more important then the individual ambitions.  Increased affluence may promote individuality because a higher income enables you to do things more for your own benefit. ...

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