Aims: these are goals that cannot be measured in reliable way. However they remain constant as a means of providing direction and focus.
An Objective: is the goal, toward which a particular effort is directed; and it must also be definable and quantifiable so that there is an achievable target at which to aim.
Goals: this concerns what you are trying to achieve. Goals provide the intention that influences the chosen action. E.g. the goal of ps3 is to achieve market leadership in their existing markets.
Strategy: this is the method chosen to achieve the goals and objectives.
Tactics: are the resources used in the agreed strategy.

Marketing objectives: refers to a mission or standard that can be reasonably achieved with the expected time frame with the available resources In general, an objective is broader in scope than a goal, and may comprise of several different goals. Objectives are the most basic planning tools underlying all planning and strategic activities. They serve as the basis for policy and performance appraisals, and act as glue that binds the entire organization together.

Advantages of marketing objectives:

  • Gives staff a sense of direction
  • Offers support in evaluating the success of a project
  • Motivates staff
  • Gives a target, which the business has to work to

Disadvantages of marketing objectives:


Businesses set marketing objectives due to the following reasons:

  • To enable the business control a marketing plan:
  • To help the business motivate customers:
  • To provide a common goal:
  • To provide an agreed, consistent focus for all functions of the business:

Objectives of Sony PS3:

  • Reduce costs of production:
  • Revise pricing policies to meet customers expectation:
  • Increase promotional activities:
  • To enter a new market segment:
  • Set performance targets for each employee and department:
  • Ensure additional funds are available to meet unforeseen instances:
  • To carry out research and develop new products:
  • Implement an effective marketing strategy:
  • Access the general publics expectations of the product:
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             Aims of Sony PS3:

  • To increase market share;
    gaining more market share means that the business is trying to dominate the market from its competitors.  Increasing market share to an extent will cause take over of its competitors. By increasing market share, the business is reducing the powers and number of its competitors. By doing do, the business will be in a state of being the market dominant. Through increasing market share, the business is at no risk having two thoughts about maximising sales and gaining more profits. Market share can also ...

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