Sony Online Entertainment: EverQuest or EverCrack?

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Assignment 1 – Sony Online Entertainment:  EverQuest or EverCrack?

Case Overview:

        Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) is a recognized leader in multiplayer online gaming.  

One of their most highly acclaimed games, known as EverQuest, has come under intense

criticism for creating a significant addiction problem for its users.  SOE executives dismiss such

accusations by claiming that it is the consumer’s duty to use the game responsibly.  However,

this position has been challenged by those who believe that SOE is morally obligated to take

additional steps (e.g., remove/discontinue the product, provide additional warning labels, make

game less potentially addictive) with respect to EverQuest I and the launch of EverQuest II.

The Stakeholders

        The major stakeholders in this case include the executives of SOE, specifically Scott

McDaniel, Vice President of Marketing, as well as John Smedley, President of SOE.  These

individuals plan and direct activities related to the production, distribution, and sale of

EverQuest. The shareholders of SOE may also be considered stakeholders, as the legal

circumstances surrounding the game will likely have a financial impact on the value of their

shares.  The employees that work within the SOE division are also stakeholders as their morale

and job performance will be tied to management decisions surrounding the game.  Another

primary stakeholder includes consumers who purchase EverQuest.  These individuals will be

affected by decisions related to the availability and features that are included in the software.  

The family members and friends related to the consumers who purchase EverQuest also have

their personal relationships and bonds with the game users at stake.  Workers at mental health

organizations and members of advocate groups against online addiction may also be considered

stakeholders.  They have a vested interest in seeing that SOE work towards lessening the

addictive and compulsive nature of the game.  Additionally, the owners and managers of

computer retail stores and other outlets that sell EverQuest are stakeholders because the

revenues they generate from the game will be directly affected by SOE’s decisions.

        To determine the ethical action that should be taken by SOE, it is important to first

analyze the case through seven moral standards:

  1. Core Ethical Values

Trustworthiness:  One of the main components of trustworthiness is honesty, which implies

that we should try to communicate the truth as best as we know it and not hide important facts

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with the intent to mislead others.  The executives of SOE failed miserably in making consumers

aware that extensive play of EverQuest could be hazardous to their health. The fact that

characters grow in strength based on the number of hours they play and that logging off could

hurt an online group’s chances of advancing through the game, is evidence enough to suggest

that addiction is a very real possibility.  Therefore, SOE should have made this perfectly clear to

potential consumers through informative warning labels on the product.

Responsibility: ...

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