This is a written monologue for English. Monologue of a Serial Killer. It achieved an B at A2 level.

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                Sheridan Sims

Monologue of a Serial Killer

How was I supposed to know that this was wrong, when it felt so right? Everything my father has taught me is wrong... He taught me not to love, taught me not to feel, have no compassion for others. could this be wrong, my whole life a lie; that’s what it was, that’s what I could reduce it to, a lie.

Where had my mother been when my father had been teaching me these things? Where had aunts, uncles, grandpas, grandmas, cousins... teachers, anybody been to tell me, to show me that...that all of this was wrong. Wrong...that word doesn’t seem real now, and it will never truly seem real, because I’ve never known anything else.

I sound like I’m trying to shoulder the blame but I’m not, I’m truly not; I just...I felt so accepted by him, and loved, so loved that I didn’t really need anyone know, the kind of love where...where anything could happen, and that one person would still be there; still there listening to everything you ever have to say, any problems and they say one word, two words, a sentence and everything is better...everything is fixed.

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My father is the kind of person I always wished I was; strong, capable, a true man...a real man...someone I would never be. My father says my mother held me too much when I was a child; he had to get me away from her quickly, he found something to bond us together, found something that my mother could never be a part of, would never be a part of. And my mother, my mother didn’t seem to notice how I changed. I changed so drastically in the space of about 5 months; my perspective on life changed, suddenly I started to ...

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