Air Pollution


I think that if we don’t do something about the air pollution, it is going to really affect us in the future. The air pollution affects pretty much everything on this planet, Earth. It affects the people, plants, animals, weather, buildings, climat, and everything else.

        Air pollution is rising every year and we need to try and stop it before it is to late. There are different types of pollution such as, particulate matter (dust), oxides of sulfur (sulfur-containing fuels burned), carbon monoxides (incomplete burning of carbon), and oxides of nitrogen (automobile engines).

        There are two types of air pollution’s, natural pollution and pollution caused by humans. We can not do anything about the natural pollution it is out of our hands, but pollution caused by humans we need to cut down a lot.

        Air pollution affects our health in many ways. It can give us skin diseases, diseases such as emphysema, lung cancer and more. Sometimes air pollution can lead to death or be part of the reason why some people may die.

        Air pollution comes from many different things. We can get air pollution from the internal-combustion engine, chemical pollutants, jet crafts, exhaust from railroad trains, burning of solid wastes, agricultural burning and many more.

        We need to cut down on the amount of stuff we put into out atmosphere or we are going to have major problems in out future. We could walk to work or school, carpool, find new ways to keep chemicals from going into our air and other things to keep out air clean.


  1. What causes air pollution?
  2. What types of air pollution are there?
  3. What effect does air pollution have on people?
  4. Where does air pollution come from?
  5. What effect does air pollution have on the environment?

What causes air pollution?

        There are two main types of air pollution, natural pollution and pollution caused by people. The pollution caused by people is much more harmful to the people and environment that natural pollution is.

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        Some natural pollutants are wind blown dust, pollen, fog, and more. There have been instances where ash from volcanic eruptions has blown across large areas of the earth. During the 1950’s forest fires down in the southern United States blanketed huge areas of the country with smoke so bad that air flights had to be canceled as far away as New York City. These are acts of nature and people can not really control them.

        Industry and vehicles produce pollution caused by humans. It will become worse as society becomes more industrialized i.e. As more automobiles are produced and driven, ...

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