"Geological activity is responsible for hazards which produce some extreme impacts in terms of loss of life and damage to property. If the consequences of such hazards are to be reduced, then appropriate management is necessary".
"Geological activity is responsible for hazards which produce some extreme impacts in terms of loss of life and damage to property. If the consequences of such hazards are to be reduced, then appropriate management is necessary". With reference to either volcanoes or earthquakes discuss the above statement. In your answer you should refer to examples and * briefly describe how geological activity produces such extreme impacts * show how the impacts of earthquakes and volcanic activity vary with the scale of the hazard and other factors * discuss the management strategies used to reduce the impact of volcanic eruptions or earthquakes * assess the success of such management strategies. The vast majority of earthquakes occur at plate boundaries because that is where sufficient stresses build up. The most powerful are at destructive plate boundaries where continental and oceanic plates converge e.g. the pacific and Philippine plates are being sub ducted under the Eurasian plate. They can also occur at mid plate too and are often triggered by human activity such as subsidence associated with deep underground mining or abstraction of underground water leading to sudden pressure changes. The impact depends on many factors strength of the earthquake, wealth of country ect. If the earthquake is high on the Richter scale then it has more of an impact. A shallow focus will cause
"How do the characteristics of the villages Navenby and Dorrington differ?"
"How do the characteristics of the villages Navenby and Dorrington differ?" This is the overall question that I have to answer in order to investigate the differences and similarities of the two rural villages: Navenby and Dorrington. To help answer this question I went on a field trip to Lincolnshire to take notes on the site, situation, size, morphology and services of Navenby and Dorrington. There are various elements in which I can investigate to identify these factors for my two chosen villages. These are: *Land use *Amenities or Services *Comparison of settlement patterns *Age of evolution of settlements *Site *Situation There are five questions I have devised to ask to make a basis for my investigation between Navenby and Dorrington: "How and why do the sites of Navenby and Dorrington differ?" "How and why do the situations of Navenby and Dorrington differ?" "How and why does the morphology of Navenby and Dorrington differ?" "How and why do the population sizes of Navenby and Dorrington differ?" "How and why do the levels of services of Navenby and Dorrington differ?" These questions are suitable in helping to answer the overall question because all of these things being asked are all characteristics of a village. Enabling to break them down means that we are able to look at the villages in a lot more detail and make notes on things specifically. To
"How has the Development of the Theory of Plate Tectonics Changed Our Understanding of the Earth
"How has the Development of the Theory of Plate Tectonics Changed Our Understanding of the Earth?" The emergence of the theory of plate tectonics could be argued as being one of the most significant developments in terms of improving our understanding of the Earth. Not only does it explain the position, shape and composition of the continents it also provides an insight into how different species flora and fauna have evolved on them. The theory of plate tectonics is able to account for and explain many of the major features and landforms found on the earth's surface. Monroe and Wicndner (1992, p361) Because new lithosphere is formed at divergent plate boundaries, older lithosphere must be destroyed and recycled in order for the entire surface of the Earth to remain constant. Subduction zones do not generally occur at converging margins between two continental plates, at least not to the extent of the two other types of margin. This is because as Lutgens and Tarbuck (2002, p135) explain "neither plate will subduct beneath the other because of the low density and thus the buoyant nature of continental rocks." There is however massive mountain building, the best example of this probably being the Himalayas which resulted from the collision between the subcontinent of India and Asia. (Lutgens and Tarbuck 2002, p135) A convergent plate margin is where "plates
"Glaciated Uplands are landscapes of erosion: glaciated lowlands are landscapes of deposition" examine the validity of this statement with reference to glaciated areas you have studied
"Glaciated Uplands are landscapes of erosion: glaciated lowlands are landscapes of deposition" examine the validity of this statement with reference to glaciated areas you have studied Arran is an ideal place to look at when examining the validity of the statement. During the Devensian Glacial, the ice sheet covering Britain reached its furthest extent, totally covering Arran. This helped to shape the landscape. In around 11,000BP the Loch Lomond Readvance occurred. This time Arran was not covered by an ice sheet but its valley glaciers grew. This formed many of the features still clearly seen on the island today. They show fresh and visible signs of the glacial erosion and deposition that once occurred. Glacial erosion is caused by ice movement combined with material within it. One type of erosion is abrasion. This occurs when pieces of rock held within the ice rub against other pieces of rock wearing them down. Another type of erosion is plucking. This occurs when ice freezes onto a piece of rock on the valley side. When the glacier moves away it may then be broken off. For these processes to occur it helps to have a steep gradient, as this will lead to ice flow. A harsh climate is also needed, which is cold, to encourage ice formation and accumulation. These conditions are often found in upland areas. Glacial deposition is caused by melting when material is dumped in
"Globalization can only result in technologies that harm the environment" - Discuss
"Globalization can only result in technologies that harm the environment" Introduction: The purpose of this report is to fulfill the last assignment (TMA) for the course T172 "Working with our Environment: Technology for a Sustainable Future". In this assignment I will discuss the topic statement upon my understanding of the subject. This report will discuss the role of globalization in providing and transfer new and advanced technologies which, despite their importance, can be damaging to the environment. The report will be covering elements such as what we mean by globalization as a phenomenon of changes? What technologies mean? What are the factors of globalization that supported it and what are the features of it. What is Globalization? There are various definitions of "Globalization", and the effect it has on the world. Globalization can be defined as a phenomenon of major changes in the conventional world. These changes include many atmospheres such as the economic, cultural, political and technical ones, in addition to a major change in the personal aspect of our life. These changes leading to unified impacts all over the world. Driven by many factors such as economic and technology and shaped by governments and institutions rules and regulation, globalization is an expansion beyond nations and geographical borders. Main aspects revolutionized the
Film analysis of Jaws
JAWS COURSEWORK The film that I will be analyzing will be Jaws. The film JAWS was a trend in the summer of 1975 smashing all box office records. Over taking many box office hits and collecting in more than $100million in its initial theatrical run, and launched the career of director Steven Spielberg. The reason why it is set on 4th of July is because it is one of the busiest days of the community and a lot of tourist come down onto the beach. At the beginning of the film the music that's plays at the back ground is soft and quiet. This makes the audience feel suspicious that something is going to happen, as the shark swiftly moves through the weeds in the deep murky water the tension on the audience builds up. The instrument that is playing the music at the background is a cello. This instrument is mostly played at a funeral. The director Steven Spielberg has used the instrument to frighten the audience when ever they hear the music kick in. on the beach when the second attack took place everybody was having fun and playing around. The people on the beach were all relaxed and they were all chilling out by listening to the radio. This makes the audience fill safe and less tense from a shark attack. When the shark attacked its victim there's always a pause of silence. This shows death because there's no more noise of the victim crying for help and crying in pain. It also
How does the Efficiency and Cross-Sectional Area of a River Change Down Stream?
How does the Efficiency and Cross-Sectional Area of a River Change Down Stream? For my investigation I will be looking at the cross-sectional area of a river and how this affects efficiency in the river of Little Beck as the stream moves downstream from the source to nearer the mouth. To do this I will be taking measurements of the cross sectional area and the efficiency at 12 different sites along the river (See fig. 2 for map of river and 12 sites). The source of May Beck is approximately at a height of 280m on Fylingdales Moor in the North Yorkshire Moor National Park. The river flows south to join the Parsley beck, and the combined flow of these two rivers, now called the Little Beck, becomes tributary of the much larger river, River Esk, which reaches the sea at Whitby. During my investigation, I will be comparing my results to that of the Bradshaw Model. The Bradshaw Model is a model of an ideal stream (see fig. 1). By using this I can compare my results with the model to see how ideal Little Beck is. According to the Bradshaw model, at the source of the stream the cross-sectional area and efficiency are low at the source but as you move down stream they increase. Three key questions I have constructed to help me with my investigation are: . How does efficiency change as you go down stream compared to the predictions of the Bradshaw Model? 2. How does
" Discuss the history, geography and ecology of the rabbit invasion in Australia. Explain whether the complete eradication from Australiais feasible."
" Discuss the history, geography and ecology of the rabbit invasion in Australia. Explain whether the complete eradication from Australia is feasible." Numerous studies have been contacted on the Rabbit in Australia (Parer,I.(1977),Twigg, E.L., Lowe, J.T., Wheeler, G.A., Gray, S.G., Martin, R.G. & Barker,W.(1998), Wheeler,H.S. &King,R.D. (1985), Rolls,E.C. (1969)), covering issues such as it's population ecology, dispersal, survival and the efficiencies of the various control methods that have been used up to date. In the early stages of the rabbit plague, fences were erected to prevent dispersal or slow the rate of dispersal, but these proved to costly and ineffective. The fifties saw the introduction of the biological control agent, myxoma virus. This had great success initially but unfortunately the government failed to capitalize on the success, with continued control. The Rabbit Calcivirus Disease (RCD) was introduced (albeit accidentally) in the early 1990's. A highly infectious disease, spread by direct contact or by vectors (mosquito) with a mortality rate between 50-90%. However young kittens are not as susceptible as older rabbits (Linton 2001) and when the female goes on to breed they are able to pass on maternal antibodies to their young. In determining whether or not the complete eradication of the rabbit in Australia is a feasible concept, one needs
"Airlines Hit by E.U's Co2 Emissions Plan"
"International Airlines Hit by European Unions's CO2 Emissions Plan" Bearing in mind that this article is comprehensive, coherent and fluent, the written account is inclusive and demonstrates an apparent connection with Section 2.4 Market Failure and sets up a close relation with the two sections in particular; negative externalities1 and the possible governmental responses concerning the quandary given, which in this case proposes a European Commission draft proposal requiring all flights arriving at or departing from the European Union airports to buy permits for their carbon dioxide emissions. This article is effective for the internal assessment because it does not dive into the economic theory, but introduces many notions that can easily be absorbed into economic presumptions and then be analysed. The extract portrays about how the advantages and disadvantages of using pollution permits, how effective they are and how several European companies are learning to deal with the more stringent regulations of the EU on pollution as a result of global warming. Pollution permits, are certain amounts of CO2 which are allowed to be emitted by companies in during production. These are given out by the respective governments to the companies, who can also purchase further permits from other companies who don't need all their permission to pollute. 2 The draft proposal which will
"An investigation into the methods of coastal management along Brighton's Coastline and the reasons for them".
Md. Shahajada Chowdhury 1H 5613 Geography Coursework Mr A. Ali 0548 "An investigation into the methods of coastal management along Brighton's Coastline and the reasons for them". Contents Introduction_________________________________________________________________________4-10 Aims__________________________________________________________________________5 Coastal Management_____________________________________________________________6 Hypothesis_____________________________________________________________________6 Longshore Drift_________________________________________________________________6 Costal Damages_______________________________________________________________6-7 Coastal Protection_____________________________________________________________7-9 Hard Engineering________________________________________________7-9 Soft Engineering__________________________________________________9 Facts on Brighton_____________________________________________________________9-10 Methodology_______________________________________________________________________12-89 Data Collection______________________________________________________________15-25 Beach Profiles________________________________________________16-18 Pebble Analysis_______________________________________________19-20 Groyne Measurements__________________________________________21-22 Tourism