Contribution of Psychology and Social Psychology to the study of Health and Welfare Issues

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Laura Sutton                                     HFH1107

Contribution of Psychology and Social Psychology to the study of Health and Welfare Issues

Assignment Two

In this assignment I will be comparing and contrasting two psychological

approaches demonstrating their relevance to understanding a health issue.

The issue that I will be applying the two psychological approaches to is


The psycho dynamic approach denotes the active forces within the

personality that motivate behaviour, and the inner causes of behaviour, in

particular the unconscious conflict between the different structures that

compose the whole personality.  

There are a lot of factors that contribute to why people behave in a certain

way and why people do things that has an adverse affect on health.

Anxiety is a state of apprehension, tension and worry this is associated with

the Freudian theory. Freud believes that anxiety arises when the ego which

is the executive of the personality is faced with an influx of stimuli with

which it cannot cope. People use a number of techniques to help cope with

anxiety and stress one of these is smoking. People use smoking as a way of

coping with anxiety due to the rush of nicotine which gets released in the

brain which can give a quick sensation of pleasure and helps calm the smoker

down. With the quick sensation of pleasure from the cigarette the brain

craves more nicotine; smoking is used as a stimulant and a depressant some

smokers do say that smoking helps them relax. Smoking can be seen as

defence mechanism because people smoke to deal with everyday problems

such as anxiety or stress. Repression can be regarded as the primary, initial

mechanism of defence that protects an individual against anxiety. These

conflicts are accompanied by anxiety and result from interactions between

the different personality structures named the ego, the id and the super

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ego. The id is concerned with the gratification of basic biological instincts

and the pleasure principle, the ego is manifested as consciousness and the

reality principle. The super ego constituted moral conscience and idealistic

striving. The development of an individuals personality structures arises as a

result of a maturational process from birth to adulthood.

A lot of people do not realise what smoking is actually doing to their health

and most smokers are living in denial which is a defence mechanism people

use to block out the ...

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