There are 8 stages in human life cycle. A life cycle is defined as the cycle of an organism's growth, reproduction and eventual death. The human life cycle

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There are 8 stages in human life cycle. A life cycle is defined as the cycle of an organism's growth, reproduction and eventual death. The human life cycle refers to humankind's journey from the stages of fertilization until the cycle concludes in their deaths. In this cycle human’s not only develop in height or weight, they also develop their social, intellectual and emotional skills across their life span.

The first stage of human life cycle is conception. Conception is the process of becoming pregnant. Most women ovulate each month; this is when an egg is released by the ovaries. For women with a 28-day menstrual cycle, ovulation typically occurs on day 14. It the 9 months period before the birth, from this period until birth the physical development of body is formed. This includes the development of organs, muscles and skin.

Pregnancy is the second stage of human cycle. It is the 9 months period to birth when the embryo and foetus meets and develop. In the first month the sperm meets the egg and by the end of 4 week the eggs get fertilized and become an organized ball of cells and the embryo has implanted into the wall of your uterus. In the second month a baby starts to form by the heart, by the end of week 6 you get to see the heartbeat of the baby. At 8 weeks, the embryo is about a half an inch long with a head, arms and legs and a tail. The fingers have started to form and the organ systems like kidneys, brain and eyes are developing as well. In the third month the embryo stage is considered a foetus and looks like a baby. The umbilical cord has formed by this month and the placenta starts functioning, Baby starts to move his arms and legs and the sex organs begin to differentiate. In the 4th month most of the baby’s organs are formed and at this point they grow and get matured and the baby starts to gain weight and by 16 weeks, the baby has eyelids, toe and fingernails, an activity schedule that includes naps and the ability to suck and swallow. In these four weeks, the baby grows from about 1 to about 4 ounces, and starts sensing sounds and light. In the fifth month the sex of the baby can be determined and baby’s movements become noticeable. In the 6 month baby grows to almost a foot long and his senses become more developed. The eyes can now open and blink and the ears can hear your voice, heartbeat, breathing and stomach rumbles. In the 7th month baby's eyes are open and are able to cry. Baby may become very active now and others may be able to see the movements. Baby may have hiccups which will feel like a jumpy movement. Increase in body fat and her bones are fully developed now. By the end of this month, the baby is approximately 11 inches long and weighs around 3-3 1/2 pounds. In the 8th month of your pregnancy, there is not a whole lot of new development. However, your baby is growing and maturing and preparing for life outside the womb. Your baby sleeps most of the time now and has periods of REM sleep. Baby is becoming increasingly cramped for space, but is still very active. Your baby is approximately 13 inches long and weighs around 5-6 pounds at the end of this month. In the 9th month, which actually extends a little further than 9 calendar months, baby is preparing for birth. The baby spends a lot of time resting, but should still have plenty of active periods. Baby should be facing head down in preparation for birth. Babies’ weight and length vary considerably at birth, but a typical range would be between 7-8 pounds and 19-21 inches in length.

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The next stage is the birth and infancy stage from 0 – 3 years throughout these years of life, the baby will undergo rapid social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development. The baby will start recognize your face and imitate gestures you make, such as smiling or sticking out your tongue.  Baby will begin to crawl, and later walk. Crawling is a skill that happens between 8 to 9 months of age. By the time a baby reaches his first birthday, he begins to support large amounts of weight and pulls himself up to his feet standing. This is the beginning of ...

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