History June 05 Exam Past Paper

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History June 05 Exam Past Paper

3rd December 2008

James Shelford

Study sources A and C, Compare these sources as evidence for Charles I’s outlook and tactics in 1646-47.

In 1646 after loosing the First Civil War Charles was captured by the parliamentarians and negotiations began as to the settlement of the Kingdom in regards to future ruling. However Charles decided that it would be in his interests to delay negotiations as long as possible this was mainly for two reasons: because the divide between parliament of the peace party (Presbyterians) and the War party (Independents) was widening as they fought about proposed terms and this would make his re-ascent to the throne easier and also for the fact that he could not agree to any of the terms they proposed as all involved loss of control of important factors such as the militia and or the death of fellow royalists which he vowed not to allow to happen after he signed Strafford’s execution warrant.

Source A agrees with my knowledge of the events, the King himself says  “I must delay as long as possible” and that he “cannot accept without loss of my conscience, crown and honour”, Source B although it does not explicitly say it does also agrees with my knowledge. This can be inferred from his answer, for example the fact that this is his third reply to the Newcastle propositions shows that he is drawing the negotiations out and the way he describes his indecision. However it does also say that he was very clear about his opinions on certain items of the propositions such as the fact he would accept a trial period of Presbyterianism and that he refused to loose control of the militia for twenty years.

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Source A is in the form of a letter by Charles himself to his wife, this can be seen as reliable as the writer believed that nobody but the intended reader would ever see it,  for this same reason it is not very bias as he could be honest with his wife. Source B is less reliable as it was written by Charles for an audience of parliament, in this respect it can be seen as bias also it could be seen as misleading and therefore more unreliable as the King would have motive to deceive parliament of his ...

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