How far do you agree that the only aim of the radical parties was to overthrow the Tsar?

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David Pedley

How far do you agree that the only aim of the radical parties was to overthrow the Tsar?

Personally, I do not agree that the only aim of radical parties was the overthrow the Tsar, even though most of the radical parties at the time were strongly opposed to Tsarist rule, and were actively trying to do so in one way or another. However these radical groups often had several aims, and often were trying to overthrow the entire idea of an autocratic state, rather than just the Tsar himself.

Radicalism was born in Russia with the appearance of the Populist movement in 1860. After the Serfs had been emancipated in 1861, the Populists believed that Russia’s future would be based on the peasants and serfs. To accomplish their goals they believed that the autocratic rule of the Tsar needed to come to an end, to be replaced by a government system based on independent serf communes, a form of local democracy. The Populists hoped that this would cause the old fashioned strong central government to fade away. This means that it was one of the aims of the Populists to remove the Tsar from power, although they were more opposed to the entire Russian system of Autocracy, and it’s removal was to achieve further goals than to simply overthrow the leaders that they did not like, or did not feel were running the country affectively.

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The plans of the Populists to win the support of the peasants and serfs failed, as they were simply not interested in reform. Many of them were arrested, sparking the formation of a new radical group the ‘People’s Will’ who’s goal was in fact to assassinate leading members of the Tsarist state. You could argue that overthrowing the Tsar was one of their only aims, as they actually managed to assassinate Tsar Alexander II in 1881. However this did not lead to any reform of governments, as Alexander III simply took over with an even more brutal and repressive rule ...

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