How far was the Russo Japanese war the main cause of the 1905 revolution

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How far was the Russo Japanese war the main cause of the 1905 revolution?

One of the main triggers of the revolution in 1905 was not the fact that Russia was at war with Japan in 1905, but the fact that Russia lost the war to what was a smaller, and supposedly therefore a more inferior country.

The war turned out to be a very embarrassing event for the Russians because the tsar wanted to show the Russian people ‘a little victorious war to stem the tide of the revolution’. But this was not so, Japan had very advanced technology and destroyed the Russian army. This caused the people of Russian to lose confidence in the tsar and the military. It was even more embarrassing because all along Russia prided itself on military excellence, then suddenly got defeated by the small Japanese military.

The reason why Russia initially went to war with Japan was because Russia had long sought an ice-free, year-round port on the Pacific and desired control in China, so therefore Russia could develop its navy, and also because the Russian authorities rejected the Japanese proposals for the settlement of the Korean question, in hope that Japan and its military will respond to it (i.e. Japan would go to war with Russia), although this plan worked, Russia’s loss in the war had negative consequences on Russia and its people.

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The reason why Japan went to war with Russia was because Japan's expanding population needed territory, food, raw materials, and new markets. Both countries wanted control of Manchuria and Korea to do what they desired.

Over all the Russo Japanese war seemed to be quite a powerful cause of the 1905 revolution, simply because the people of Russia saw the tsar to not be as powerful as the war showed the weakness and corruption of the tsarist state. It also showed how backward Russia really was.

At the time, the different social groups in Russia from the industrial workers ...

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