People in the Reformation

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People in the Reformation

Martin Luther

Martin Luther was born in 1483.  He was ordained as a priest in 1507 and continued his current studies in theology.  Martin was influenced by modern science in testing or experimentation and also emphasised on individual experience.  He read in the letters of St Paul that, ‘the just man lives by faith’ and he became convinced that faith was the only one thing that mattered to a Christian.  He believed the only thing that could bring salvation was by faith in the Mercy and Love of God.  His belief in ‘Justification (salvation) by Faith Alone’ was put to the test in 1517.  

Indulgences were being preached and he objected to the sale of indulgences.  Martin drew up 95 theses on the errors of indulgences and related matters which, for him, came under the category of useless ‘works’, which distracted Christians from their real path to salvation, which was by faith alone.  Luther’s ideas soon became public and he publicly burnt a letter from the Pope which condemned 41 of Luther’s propositions and heresy.  Luther was excommunicated in 1521.

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He went into hiding and translated the New Testament into German, and his ideas spread rapidly with the development of the printing press.  Luther formed a new church called the Lutheran Church and Germany was divided into two groups of for and against Luther’s groups.

The first anti-Catholic groups were called Protestants.  Unfortunately for Luther, many of his followers miss-interpreted the Scriptures, and many churches appeared with different teachings from his.  Protestant Reformation, which began as a move to reform, the Catholic Church, ended up splitting the Church into not only Catholic and Protestant, but many other groups besides.


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