Reasons for Russia's 1905 Revolution

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It can be argued that the outbreak of revolution in 1905 was due to the way in which tsar Nicholas responded to the events of Bloody Sunday. It appears that this was the main reason, however the Russian Revolution didn’t suddenly happen; it was caused by the build up of various issues.

One of which was the horrific working and living conditions workers were forced to endure. This was partly due to the fact that the government was trying to boost the industrialisation of Russia. To do this they increased the taxes peasants had to pay which made the situation worse. There was also a never-ending famine which added to the growing sense of resent within the peasantry, who made up 80% of Russia’s population.

The sense of injustice amongst the people is also a factor to be considered in relation to the outbreak of revolution. Prisons were overflowing with convicts innocent of any real crime and police patrolled the streets, ready to shoot anyone and everyone. This bred fear and mistrust of an already unpopular tsar and encouraged people to take part in the revolution in 1905

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Some believed the Russo-Japan War was instigated by the tsar as a tactical move to distract the citizens from the issues of poverty and bad working conditions in the hope that this would reduce opposition to him. Yet this failed to have the effect he’d planned as his mishandling of the war just proved the point of his opposition: that he was disengaged from the public and didn’t have their well-being at heart. This built up tension, leading to an open challenge to tsardom in the form of the 1905 Revolution.

Russia’s embarrassing performance in the Russo-Japanese War caused worry ...

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