What brought about the new approach to foreign policy?

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What brought about the new approach to foreign policy?

The new approach to foreign policy between 1902 & 1907 could be viewed, on the face of it, as a direct result of the resignation of lord Salisbury as foreign secretary in 1900 and by the appointment of his successor, Lord Lansdowne, a point which is widely recognised by many historians. Although Lord Lansdowne brought a new perspective to international affairs, I believe that a number of other factors were more important in moving Britain away from 

However, I believe that the Boer war was a main reason as to why Britain shifted its position of isolation, though not significant without the following, which I have identified as factors. Relative economic decline, the extent to which Britain was overstretched, what ‘a new mood in Britain’ had to do with foreign policy, and developments in Germany are the more important topics which I shall mention.

Britain’s age of world domination was showing signs of collapse at the beginning of the 20th century. In the late 19th century, Britain had led the world with her steel production, boasting a creditable 0.7 million tons in 1870, compared with Germany’s 0.3 million tons and USA’s 26 million in 1910. This relative economic decline meant that Britain found maintaining its military superiority significantly harder than previously and created new worries for the future.

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The Boer war revealed many problems within the British Empire. Britain was seen as vulnerable because she had failed to succeed where she probably should have succeeded, and also because of the 'barbarous tactics' adopted by the British Army when fighting the Boer. It revealed that splendid Isolation was beginning to become an outdated tactic. One could say that because Britain's empire had been around for so long, other nations were becoming used to what was once a new approach to .....

Very much alike to the Roman Empire, the British expanded their empire fairly rapidly. Many years of ...

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