AP Governement review for the Constitution

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AP REVIEW FOR THE CONSTITUTION Amendment Process – process in which the constitution is changed through voting of congressAnti-federalists –  those who were opposed giving as much ower to the national government as the constitution did favoring instead stronger states rightsBicameral – Composed of two legislative branches.Bill of Rights – the first 10 amendments to the US constitution.  States the rights and liberties of each US citizen.Checks and Balances – a group of people that form a minority with in a larger group.  Constitution –  a set of principles either written or unwritten that makes up the fundamental law of the state.Declaration of Independence – a document written in 1776 declaring the colonists’ intention to throw off British rule. Factions –
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name applied by some of the founders to political parties to connote their tendency toward divisivenessFederalism – a constitutional principle reserving separate powers to the national and state levels of governmentFederalist Papers (#10 and #51) – a series of eighty five essays published in New York newspapers to adopt the newly proposed Constitution.  Federalists – Supporters of a stronger central government who advocated ratification of the Constitution and then founded a political party.Great Compromise – a constitutional proposal that made membership in one house of congress proportonal to each state’s population and membership in the other equal for all states.Judecial ...

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