
I hereby declare that the assignment that I am submitting is of my own work and composition and all sources that I have consulted whether in printed or electronic format-have been referenced and acknowledged according to the academic conventions used in this college. It has not been submitted previously for assessment at this or any other college. I understand what plagiarism means and I declare that I have not engaged other college. I understand what plagiarism means and I declare that I have not engaged in it.

Date: 11th December, 2008.                        Student Number: 061146D.

Content Page

  1. Title Page………………………………...........................................................Pg1.


Content Page……………………………….......................................................Pg3.

  1. Section 1.        Definition of play………………………………...............................P6.

Section 2        Value of play and theorists……………………………….................P7.

Section 3        Characteristics of Play……………………………….........................P8.

Section 4        Types of Play……………………………….....................................P10.

Section 5        Stages Of Play Advantage & Disadvantage......................................P12.

Section 6        Supervision……………………………….......................................P15.

  1. Acknowledgement………………………………...............................................P4.

Summary and conclusion………………………………...................................P16.


8. Appendix………………………………..............................................................P15.


While conducting this essay, I would like to thank God for giving me the wisdom, knowledge and understanding to do the essay.

In particular, I would like to thank my Lecturer for making sure that I understood what is being required.

With thanks to my lovely family and my fantastic brother for making sure I stay focus while conducting this assignment…

Other people that I would also like to thank: the libraries in and out of college, and my fellow colleagues.


In this essay, I would be demonstrating my understanding of play on the following:

  1. I would be explaining the definition of play, its function, in order to understand the importance of play.

I will be examining the developmental stages of play and what educational theorists have to say in relation to this.

I will also explain the social skills associated with play and give examples to illustrate my points. Likewise express my opinion.

Furthermore, I will be looking at different type of play and how these are supervision has effect on play, and conclusion.

‘All work and no play make jack a dull boy’ is an idiomatic expression statement that shows what happens if the holistic development of a child contains work. Play is very important to the child’s social development. It creates fun and the opportunity of social integration and communication. It is best explained by Bruce(1991) that :

Play is like a reservoir full of water. The deeper the reservoir, the more water can be stored in it and used in time of drought’. In contrast, the more, the children play, the more their social skills will be developing internally and externally.

Definition of play _                                                Section 1.

Play definitions -leisure engage in enjoyable activity: to take part in enjoyable activity for the sake of amusement. Also to act in jest: to do something for fun, not in earnest  

                        World English Dictionary (1998-2004 )Microsoft Corporation.

According to these definitions, play is undertaken purely for enjoyment and amusement especially by children. It can also include the competitive aspect often linked to teams or sports. Play occurs through out life; even adult play! Play varies as the person grows. Babies play by exploring with their hands, and feet, while young children may dress up as part of pretend play. Older children such as the 6 to 9 years old play includes: hobbies( acting, dancing), Sports( football, basketball, rugby) and leisure( swimming, karate). This shows that it is this type of play that continues in to adolescence and adulthood. More so researchers believed that People or children who do not play are susceptible to suffer from stress, depression, loneliness, poor self esteem and confident, negative behaviour, destruction, and  this might affects the holistic development of the child.

I believe that children play for the freedom and expression of what is in their head, and not what adult wants them to do.According to the information that I found on the internet. It claim that Karl Groos, zoologist, born in 1861. He studied play first in animals, then in humans. He explained that play was a way of preparing for survival in the adult world. Likewise Maria Montessori, born in 1870, she proposed that children would be better off if they spent their play learning, or imagining, useful things. These two theorists feel that "play is the child's work."

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                                ( Early childhood learning through play),internet

From my perspective, I feel that both theorists are correct because children do not only play for fun, Instead they play to contributes to their learning process. That is why in a Montessori classroom, materials such as the pink tower, broad stairs, thermic bottles, geometric cabinet, all help the child to play, work and acquire skills at the same time without realising it. Just like a car that requires petrol to function, so also children requires play to function, because it gives children the opportunity to socialise with other children which develops possibly the ...

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