Discuss Research That Has Suggested A Link Between Stress And Ill Health.

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Research that has suggested a link between stress and ill health.

Looking at the link between stress and illness, there have been many studies done to show the direct effect stress has in relation to illness, the main three pathways looked at are the direct effect, stress interacting with pre-existing vulnerabilities and how stress leads to behavioural changes that are not beneficial to one’s health.  However it is hard for researchers to establish a definite cause and effect relationship between stress and specific physical symptoms or illnesses. Not only do people's minds and bodies react differently to stress, but there also are other factors at work when someone falls ill. Most researchers have found the more a person suffers from stress the weaker his or hers immune system becomes. In trying to understand why stress can be bad for the body is to look at it from an evolutionary perspective, where in the past our ancestors were often confronted with life threatening situations and as a result the ‘fight or flight’ response evolved. Whilst being confronted by dangerous situations such as confrontation with a predator it was necessary to send blood to the muscles and be in a heightened state of arousal, however today it might not be relevant to most everyday stressors. So we can say most stressors do not pose a physical danger to us yet the way our nervous and endocrine systems have evolved we react to the stressors as if they did, whilst it might have been an adaptive response for our ancestors it has become maladaptive for us today.

In a study done by Cohen et al (1991) the direct effect stress can have on illness was demonstrated when 394 healthy participants were asked to complete a questionnaire assessing their stress levels, there after they were exposed to five respiratory viruses. Those that experienced the most stress were the most likely to develop a cold and this was the direct effect as there were no other influential variables. All other factors such as age, sex, weight, diet exercise or sleep had no effect on the likelihood of the participants catching a cold. The second pathway in the link between stress and illness is Vulnerability, which can make people more likely to suffer ill heath when they are stressed and can be both physical and psychological. The effect of physical vulnerabilities can be demonstrated by the fact that stress has no or little effect on blood pressures except in cases where the person already has high blood pressure, in these individuals the stress can cause hypertension. With psychosocial vulnerabilities the effect stress has affects groups such as the poor, the very young, the elderly and homeless as they are affected by environmental stressors such as noise and overcrowding which, although unpleasant have no harmful effects on the health of most of us. The final pathway as a result of the direct effect and vulnerability is behavioural changes, which suggests that when people are under stress they tend to do things that are likely to increase their chances of falling ill or getting injured. As a result of being stressed we tend to neglect our diet, increase our intake of alcohol, smoke more or drink more coffee as well as being less active by not exercising.

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Research done by Holmes and Rahe (1967) with the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) to measure the extent of adjustment required by certain situations in life events such as moving home, going on holiday or death of a loved one showed that those who scored above a certain level on the SRRS often developed a physical illness within a year. In a study by Kielcot-Glaser et al. (1995) compared the wound healing rate of a group of high stress women caring for relatives with Alzheimer’s disease and a stress free matched group. They noticed that in the group of ...

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