Discuss two or more biological therapies for phobic disorders

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Discuss two or more biological therapies for phobic disorders

Biological therapies can help reduce the high level of anxiety experienced by phobics, allowing a patient to return to a more normal life (such as being able to go outdoors again).

Drug therapies include Anti-Anxiety drugs, Beta blockers and Antidepressants. They aim to alter abnormal behaviour by intervening directly in bodily processes (helps with the symptoms).Those that experience psychological problems or show disturbed behaviour patterns go to their family doctors. The first line of treatment is medical. Drug therapies are most common for treatment for phobias.

However drugs haven’t been considered to be the primary treatment for specific phobias because they tend to interfere less with everyday life than, for example social phobias. However they are appropriate when panic attacks accompany specific phobias and also for social phobias, though drugs can’t provide a complete treatment as they simply focus on symptoms.

Anti- Anxiety drugs include Chemotherapy, Beta blockers and Antidepressants.

Chemotherapy :Benzodiazepines (BZs reduce anxiety and slow down the activity of the CNS by enhancing the activity of GABA, this is a neurotransmitter that when released has a quietening effect on the neurones. It reacts to the GABA receptors, making it harder for the neurone to be stimulated by other transmitters, so this slows down the activity and makes a person feel more relaxed.

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However there is  evidence to show the effectiveness of BZs,Kahn et al (1986( found that BZs were more effective than a placebo treatment in reducing anxiety, and Hidalgo et al (2001) found that BZs were more effective than antidepressants.

A limitation of using BZs is that they can cause lots of side effects for example aggressive and memory loss. Another limitation is that addiction can be a problem for BZs, even when low doses are given, they should only be given for a maximum of four weeks (Ashton ,1997).

Beta Blockers reduces the activity of adrenaline. It binds the ...

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