Report on Shirley's case the three treatments, perspectives offered, and the conclusions one came to after discussing the pros/ cons of each form of therapy.

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Psychology Homework                                                Charlene Payne

        Report on Shirley’s case the three treatments, perspectives offered, and the conclusions one came to after discussing the pros/ cons of each form of therapy.

        Obsessions are recurrent, unwanted and intrusive thoughts or images that the individual feels that they have no voluntary control over. The thoughts experienced are morally repugnant or intensely distressing. The compulsions are the ritualistic actions that the individual feels compelled to perform and repeat many times over. The patient is probably well aware that the compulsive acts are unnecessary. However, they feel that without performing these rituals something dreadful will happen. (In Shirley’s case she may have carried out her obsessive thought.) Obsessions increase anxiety levels and compulsions help to reduce the anxiety levels.

Cognitive Therapy

        In our everyday lives, on occasions we may experience unwanted thoughts although we are usually able to dismiss them. In Shirley’s case of obsessive compulsive disorder these thoughts have led her to become unbearably anxious. This anxiety coupled with the compulsion to act upon these thoughts; Shirley has obsessive thoughts about harming her two-year-old son and, believes that if she does not check her son regularly then something disastrous will happen. The compulsive checking is Shirley’s way of reducing her anxiety levels in order for her to cope in dealing with this.

Shirley does show evidence of accompanying negative schema. This is common within obsessive compulsive disorder patients, with their own irrational beliefs about themselves and how others might view them. Shirley’s sense of self-worthlessness is translated in the terms that she believes that she also is capable of harming her child. Shirley believes that this will be the outcome if she does not consistently monitor the health of her son.

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        The cognitive therapists wish to reduce the level of obsessive compulsive disorder by adopting rational emotive behaviour therapy. This therapy aims to replace the irrational, unreasonable negative beliefs and ideas with more positive and realistic ones. The therapy is carried out with initial relaxation techniques to lower levels of anxiety then treated by encouragement to test her negative sense of self worth. It is the hope and expectation that by cognitive restructuring, Shirley may reassess her sense of self worth. Therefore, she should be able to disassociate herself entirely from individuals who have committed grove acts upon children.


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