Examine the contributions that two of the following may make to a study of religious language

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  1. Examine the contributions that two of the following may make to a study of religious language.


The basic question behind the religious language debate is ‘what can be said about god?’ The religious language debate is not concerned with whether or not god actually exists, or what god is like. There are a lot of contributions to religious language and different approaches by a lot of different philosophers they are only concerned with working out whether or not religious language means anything. On one side of the debate you have the centuries old tradition of religious believers who believe that you can speak and write about god, because is actually reality, but then on the other hand you have the logical positivists and those that they influenced who claim that statements about god have no meaning because they don’t actually related to anything that is real.

The myth is one of the most complex types of symbolic language since it incorporates symbols, metaphors and models. When people come to speak about myths its usually to say that something is untrue. However a modern understanding of this sees that myths as giving an insight into human experiences, some theologians have chose to interpret religious statements and texts as myths. There are three senses in to which the word myth can be incorporated into religious language and texts. The myths could be a story which is not true but has some other value, Braithwaite argued that religious stories are inspirational to us, and they also provide us with the motivation to lead a moral life. The myth could also be a method of interpreting ultimate reality. So myths have a symbolic meaning in the sense that they open up new levels of reality or their purpose could be too bind communities together and to urge us to take action. They myth could also be a device that lets us talk about anything that is beyond language itself. Symbols become associated with the thing that they represent for example the US Flag is associated with passionate feelings, where as signs are different to symbols as signs are arbitrary representations of something like a stop sign mean stop. The best supporter of religious language being symbolic is protestant theologian called Tillich his argument was basic and that all religious language was symbolic and can not be taken as literal assertions about the world. Religious words, actions, objects and events can be interpreted symbolically. Tillich argues that symbols themselves are independent of empirical criticism “you cannot kill a symbol by criticism in terms of scientific and historical research”. In this sense belief in god can only be expressed through the use of symbolic language, therefore it seems that symbolism opens up otherwise hidden levels of reality which would remain closed otherwise. J.H Randall believed that symbols serve purpose and important functions these being a motivational one he says that it fires up our passions and emotions, also a social function he states that people have a common social understanding of symbols this then strengthens their social bonds. There are many problems with Tillich’s belief that a symbol participates in the thing that it symbolises, he seems to explain vaguely about what he means by participate in how it might show reality and power of what it symbolises, he doesn’t go on to elaborate how can the US Flag ignite the power and dignity of a nation.

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One advantage of interpreting religious language as mythological is that biblical stories which seem to be strange and scientifically minded, become more pleasant. There is a further advantage of not taking a literal view of religious language, and if we interpret the bible in a mythological way then the stories of the old and New Testament can not be proved wrong by scientific or historical evidence. Taking a methodical view of religious language steps aside the criticisms from Flew and Ayer, and that religious language is not factually scientific and therefore meaningless. Although these attacks are irrelevant as if ...

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