A03. “It is not possible to be a true disciple of Jesus in the modern world” Do you agree?

  Christianity is a worldwide religion and this leads us to believe that it is possible to be a true disciple in the modern world. “Modern Christians believe that they are called to follow the example Jesus set. They spend time discovering the teachings of Jesus from the bible and trying to put those teachings into practice”. (Michael Keene).

  There are many examples of modern day Christians. Priests, Nuns and missionaries are examples of people who devote their whole lives to God. Oscar Romero was an archbishop in El Salvador where the government has constantly violated human rights. There are also many people living in poverty. Oscar spoke out about the government in sermons. In 1980 he was gunned down by four masked men. His last words were “May Christ’s sacrifice give us the courage to offer our own bodies for justice and peace”. I believe that Romero is an example of someone who followed Jesus’ example and was a true disciple.

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  Many religious people take vows of poverty so that God is placed first above everything and that they do not get distracted by money. The Rich Man didn’t take this vow. “It is much harder for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.” (10:25).

  Maximilian Kolbe was a polish Catholic priest who was arrested and taken to Auschwitz, one of the Nazi death camps, in 1941. After three weeks of dehydration and starvation, only four of the ten men were still alive, including Kolbe. ...

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