GCSE Religion Coursework- Christian Vocations

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GCSE Religion Coursework- Christian Vocations

Vocation comes from a Latin word-meaning calling. Christians believe that they have a calling. God has called them to be followers of Jesus, to be members of the church to help others in God's name. This can be carried out in a variety of ways. In this piece of coursework I will:

- Describe how a Christian may follow the call to discipleship through daily life and worship.

- Explain why some Christians join communities and the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.

- Explain the purpose and practise of a religious community

- Answer the question ' Christians should lead active rather than contemplative lives' and I will show more than one point of view.

- In all parts, I will include bible and church teaching

The term 'disciple', although it means one who learns, also applies to anyone who calls them self a Christian. Christians are modern day disciples and we should try to learn from the example, which has been put down for us. One of the most important teachings of Christ is the passage of the Cost of Discipleship (Mark 8:34-35). This means that anyone who wants to be a disciple must be prepared to put God and his commandments first, and as a result be prepared to suffer for their beliefs. The modern day discipleship vocation is about us dedicating our lives to others and there are many people who do this, e.g. People in the priesthood, religious orders. These people are required to turn their backs on their personal wishes and devote themselves to God, regardless of the cost. People who are able to do this must have a great amount of courage and a lot of support from the people around them. Thousands of people have suffered martyrdom for their faith and there are many unknown martyrs who have lost their lives for their faith in previous centuries.

Oscar Romero was a Roman Catholic priest from South America and he was shot whilst celebrating mass. He was very much an important figure in El Salvador and he felt that he had to speak out after his friend had been shot by a military firing squad. He inspired many people with his speeches and gave the people some hope. The mission, a passage very important for the disciples still has a place in the Christian religion. It remains as the mission of the church and many modern day disciples still go out to preach repentance.

There are Christian organisations, which carry the mission of the twelve disciples in a modern way. The parable of the Sheep and Goats (Matthew 25:31-46) is very important fro organisations like Cafod and Christian Aid because they make it a priority in their modern day work that the hungry should have food and those who are naked should be clothed. Cafod works all over the world tackling the problem of poverty, regardless of race or religion.
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It is still very difficult for someone to be a modern day disciple because so many things hinder the want and possibility of being able to be one. But the rewards are still great but in a different way, and if the person's faith is strong enough then they will not allow social attitudes to interfere with their chosen path. I think that it is extremely difficult to be a modern day disciple because many people take the modern lifestyle for granted and the mission now has a different meaning to the one in Jesus' time. I think ...

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