Biology Beetroot Coursework

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Page  of                           Permeability of Cell Membrane         Shaheen Munshi 62B        

In Beetroot Cells

Aim: To find out how the permeability of cell membranes is affected by different temperatures.

Objective: The objective of this experiment is to examine how a change in temperature will affect the permeability cell membranes. In this experiment, beetroots will be used to test out the aim.

Background information:

Beetroot cells, like all other cells, have a cell membrane. The cell surface membrane is the boundary between the cytoplasm in the cell and the environment, so it has the important job of controlling the movement of substances in and out of the cell. The cell surface membrane is composed of many components one of which is phospholipids. A phospholipid is composed of 2 main parts, a hydrophobic head which is attracted to water and a hydrophobic tail which is repelled by water but mixes readily with fat. The hydrophilic heads point towards both inwards towards the cell cytoplasm and outwards towards the aqueous external environment. The hydrophobic tails point into the centre of the membrane. The plasma membrane is also made up of proteins which are arranged randomly across the cell membrane, unlike the phospholipids which are arranged in a pattern. The proteins are embedded in the phospholipid bilayer in 2 main ways. Some of the proteins are surface bound and act either to help give the cell mechanical support or act as cell receptors. Some proteins also span the whole of the membrane bilayer from one side to the other. These act as channels whereby water soluble or large molecules can pass through. The cell membrane also contains cholesterol for stability of the cell and glycoprotein and glycolipids for action as cell receptors and cell recognition. The width of the bilayer is approximately 7nm. The cell surface membrane is impermeable to most molecules because of several factors. A few factors are that the molecule is too large to pass through the pores in the membrane, or that the molecule is dissolved in fat and therefore cannot pass through the phospholipid layer. The structure of the cell surface plasma membrane is shown in the diagram below:

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                                            Figure 1

Beetroots contain a red pigment called betalain which is found in the vacuole of the cell. When the beetroot is heated the cell membrane becomes disrupted as an increase in temperature provides an increase in kinetic energy making the phospholipid bilayer (in cell membrane) vibrate more energetically until the hydrogen bonds holding the 3D structure of the proteins together breaks therefore denaturing the selectively permeable cell membrane. This allows red pigment ...

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