Effect of different temperatures on the permeability of beetroot cell membrane.

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Effect of different temperatures on the permeability of beetroot cell membrane.

Aim- to investigate the effect of different temperatures on the permeability of beetroot cell membrane.

Prediction: I think that the higher the temperature the higher the absorbance of the liquid into the beetroot membrane.

Table of results

Statistical analysis

Spearman rank correlation

The reason for the statistical analysis is to find out if group 1, 2 and 3 and average absorbance is a positive or negative correlation or no correlation at all.

Group 1

In group 1 each absorbance was increased when the temperature was increased so the rank was not changed therefore the rs was 1. This means it is over the critical value (0.79) therefore there is a positive significant correlation between the two values.

Group 2

From using the formula the rs was 0.85, which is over the critical value (0.79) therefore there is a positive significant correlation between the two values.

Group 3

From using the formula the rs was 0.96, which is over the critical value (0.79) therefore there is a positive significant correlation between the two values.

Average absorbance

In the average absorbance each absorbance was increased when the temperature was increased so the rank was not changed therefore the rs was 1. This means it is over the critical value (0.79) therefore there is a positive significant correlation between the two values.



In my two graphs the overall trend is when the temperature is increased the absorbance of the beetroot is increased. At no point in my two graphs do you see the absorbance decreases when the temperature is increased. For example if you look at my average absorbance graph at 25°C the absorbance is 0.35, and at 35°C the absorbance is 0.53. So there is an increase in absorbance.

                          A cell membrane is made up of many different molecules these include phospholipids, cholesterol, proteins, glycolipids and glycoproteins. Each of these all has specific functions in the cell membrane.

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                     Phospholipids make up the basic structure of the membrane, forming a bilayer. They have hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails, with the tales being non polar its very difficult for ions and polar molecules to pass through the membrane, so the phospholipids act as a barrier to water soluble molecules.

            Therefore the only way water-soluble molecules can get through the membrane is through the protein. Protein in the membrane acts as hydrophilic passage ways or transport route for ions and polar molecules to diffuse into ...

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*** This report in to the effect of different temperatures on the permeability of the beetroot cell membrane is not complete but there are still some very good sections, as well as some that could be improved. Firstly the aim / prediction of the experiment should be central to the entire investigation, yet the effect of temperature on the permeability of the cell membrane based on the data collected is not included. The data collection section is well presented and shows some good trends which were analysed well using statistical analysis. The evaluation is thorough but would benefit from being less critical of the method. Overall, a good foundation for a very good investigation.