'Crime Is a real problem that must be taken seriously by criminologists.' Discuss.

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‘Crime Is a real problem that must be taken seriously by criminologists.’ Discuss.

No matter which country we live in, what culture we belong to, whether we are black, white, rich, poor, etc. every individual is aware that some criminal activity is going on around them.  You do not have study crime to understand it’s existence, many people live their lives in environments where crime is clearly visible, and in turn make their own judgements and assumptions of what is acceptable or not.  Criminologists on the other hand explore further into these everyday personal experiences, they attempt to dismiss any prejudice that could be a product of personal views and opinions and  focus mainly on facts and theories that are open for scrutiny to other scientists.  They are looking for answers to why crime occurs, questioning it and perhaps offering other agencies probable solutions or preventions.  Criminologists question many things; new or old theories/data/hypothesis, behaviour patterns, criminal research findings, new or old crime statistics, etc. and are frequently researching new data.  However, this does not mean that all criminologists have the same arguments, as with most scientists, they specialize in their own fields.  My discussion will be about realist (left and right) criminology and how their arguments differ to biologists, or in particular anthropological criminology.  

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The Realist

The Realist argues that it is a combination of many things that in turn can produce certain individuals to commit crime, and believe that by identifying and controlling ‘incivility’, the criminal justice system can be seen to reflect what the rest of society wants to see and that is, criminals offending less.   Realist criminology focuses on the criminal and the victim, what societal values exist and how they affect the population.  How society reacts towards crime is a key factor for realism, as is how the criminal responds towards legislation and its relevant institutions.  They ...

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