organisational structure

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Organisational Structure

In this section I will explore the organisational structure of Sainsbury's, and look at how the chain of command, span of control works within the organisation. Moreover, I will look at how communication is passed down effectively through the hierarchy.

Firstly I will actually look at the organisation chart for Sainsbury's PLC a whole then my local Sainsbury's Ilford's organisational chart.

Sainsbury's Plc - Has a tall structure a they have more authority over each other.

Sainsbury's Ilford - Has a flat structure as there are more subordinates to have control over due to the store workers.

An organisation structure is a formal systematic way a business is organised. It is usually presented as a diagram and it shows the department functions and who is answerable to whom.

The organisation structure is very important to all whom are applied to it. This is because important information has to be passed down. For it to be passed down there has to be a link of communication to the senders and receivers. This is achieved by the communication flowing up or down the hierarchy. An organisation chart makes this easier as it clearly shows the hierarchy within the organisation, so that communication can be made more effective as their will be less chance of confusion to where you will send information to your sender. Moreover, if the business is well organised it makes communication more efficient and convenient. It also builds up relationships between the hierarchies which can be beneficial to the business as more workers are getting along. These are just a few of the benefits an organisation chart has on the business.
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Before going into more depth, I will explain some of the key word I will be using. The "chain of command" is the structure of decision making responsibilities from higher"ranks" to lower levels of authority. The "span of control" is the principle of management stating the number of people a manager or other can supervise effectively. "Delegation" is passing down of power through the hierarchy and chain of command.

Sainsbury's has a clear organisational chart available to all employees and workers throughout the store. Which is important as any of the higher workers in the store can ...

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Here's what a star student thought of this essay

The report states the term 'PLC', however this isn't explained within the report. An PLC is a Public Limited Company, whereby a person/organisation is able to purchase shares within the business. Each shareholder is therefore a part owner of the business and can influence the business. All technical terms should be explained, to allow the exmainer to understand with ease. On the flip side, the report does explain terms such as 'chain of command' and 'delegation'.

The student states that the structure of the business is important, and states a number of benefits to the system. However the student hasn't state any potential drawbacks of this system. For example, the report could include 'This system is quite good, however there may be a number of potential issues. One may be bad management, as there may not listen to the people at the front line. This may cause the management to make important decisions for the business without fully understanding a number of their employees and this could impact upon the customers of the business'.

In summary, the report is OK. The report states how Sainsbury's uses an effective system. However the report doesn't include any drawbacks, which doesn't allow the student to evaluate the organisation with a balanced view. The use of a graph to show the structure of the business (Sainsbury's) is quite good, as this is simple yet effective.