Aim: 'Build a sensor circuit to test the proximity of an object using a light detector to detect light from a bulb reflected f

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Aim: ‘Build a sensor circuit to test the proximity of an object using a light detector to detect light from a bulb reflected from an object.’

In this experiment I am going to build a sensor circuit using an LDR, I will then calibrate the sensor and use my results to test and improve the sensor circuit.

The LDR works by having a very high resistance when the light intensity is low, which does not allow current to flow through the potential divider circuit. When the light intensity increases significantly, the resistance reduces dramatically and current can flow through the circuit. The resistor within a circuit can be changed to make the circuit more sensitive.

The first thing I had to do was to test two different sensors to see which one had better sensitivity. From my results I could see that the LDR had the biggest input to output difference, meaning it was more sensitive than the photodiode.

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Next, I had to test which resistance would have the maximum output to input difference and thus give the LDR maximum sensitivity, shown in table A:

From my results in table A I concluded that  the 10k Ω setting gave the maximum sensitivity as it had the biggest output to input difference.

Next, I had to build my circuits. I used a potential divider circuit for the LDR and a simple circuit for the bulb:

Diagram 1

For my final circuit design I used an ‘orange power pack’ connected to a ...

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