Section B essay. During rehearsals of our piece, Blue remembered hills, I developed my vocal and physical skills with my characters Angela and Peter.

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GCSE Drama Section B

Question 5: Explain how you developed both physical and vocal skills during rehearsals to create a character that was appropriate to your groups interpretation of the play script. Give clear examples of your research, rehearsal and other preparation work that helped you to understand and perform your character.

During rehearsals of our piece, Blue remembered hills, I developed my vocal and physical skills with my characters Angela and Peter. The play is set in 1943 and the genre is comedy drama and the style naturalistic drama. The storyline follows seven young children during world war 2 and their adventures in the country side.

        In rehearsals I developed my vocal skills with my character Angela. One example of this was when I was with my best friend Audrey, “No Audrey, I’m the mummy and Donald’s the daddy.” As I said this I looked at Audrey and rolled my eyes so that it was clear that my character thought Audrey’s idea was just silly.  I spoke in a harsh tone to clearly show that I had a higher status than Audrey, I was quite loud to show my confidence with what I was saying but also to show Audrey who was boss. There was only one other character on the stage which helped keep the main focus on Audrey and I. When I spoke to Audrey I turned my back so that she was watching me walk away this helped show that Angela was the boss in the friendship and Audrey had to do whatever Angela told her to.

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         My rehearsals were successful because beforehand I had done research about my other character Peter we watched the film of Blue remembered hills, I focused on the very first scene of the play between Willie and Peter the boys are playing in the country side and it was clear from the film that peter had a higher status than willie, their friendship is very similar to Audrey’s and Angela’s. I was able to use ideas from the film in our own piece, for example in the opening scene I used physical skills that were noticeable in the film such as ...

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