An inspector calls

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Explore how Priestley dramatises the theme of authority in An Inspector Calls


An Inspector Calls is a play based in 1912, but written in 1945. It is based before both of the world wars and the Wall Street crash and the Great Depression that follows. The audience knows what is about to happen, but the characters do not. This creates dramatic irony in the play; an example of this is with Mr Birling’s naivety talking about an unsinkable ship, The Titanic. There is also a theme of authority in the play. Authority is the power to enforce laws, exact obedience, command, determine, or judge. In the play authority is taken into many forms, including the authority over other people and authority in society. In this essay I am going to talk about the authority of the Inspector, the authority of Mrs Birling and in the play.

The Inspector is a main figure of authority and controls the situation. The line, “I don’t know yet, that’s something I’ll have to find out”. He is open with the fact that he doesn’t know the answer, but still retains control, by explaining that he will still find it out. The word “yet” is key in the portrayal of the Inspector’s authoritative character. It proves that he doesn’t know all the in formation at this time but will be able to manipulate the other characters to get his answers. He is also subtle with his authority, him freely willing to admit that he doesn’t know everything, using this as a tool to be sure of what is going to happen next and that he’ll have total control. The words, “that’s something I’ll have to find out” proves this.

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An Inspector Calls is a play based in 1912, but written in 1945. It is based before both of the world wars and the Wall Street crash and the Great Depression that follows. The audience knows what is about to happen, but the characters do not. This creates dramatic irony in the play; an example of this is with Mr Birling’s naivety talking about an unsinkable ship, The Titanic. There is also a theme of authority in the play. Authority is the power to enforce laws, exact obedience, command, determine, or judge. In the play authority is taken into many ...

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