Discuss the presentation and function of symbols and symbolic representation in "A Dolls House"

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Discuss the presentation and function of symbols and

symbolic representation in “A Doll’s House”

In the play “A Doll’s House”, Henrik Ibsen tackles contemporary issues, predominantly the divergences between the sexes and female liberation. The oppression endured by women in a modern society is personified by Nora, who seems to lead a happy life with her husband and children. However, as Nora faces repression in her marriage, she realises the extent of her dependency and departs, leaving behind her duties as a mother and wife. Foremost, the play urges for a social change, where the importance of women as individuals is recognised. To reinforce this message, the play employs the Christmas tree, animals, macaroons, the Tarantella dance and the letterbox; symbolic representations of an aspect in Nora’s life. The author believes that society incapacitates women to develop as individuals, for the world is controlled by men. Instead, a woman must broaden her horizons; expect more from herself. A different destiny awaits women if only they are willing to take control of their lives, even if this sacrifices their image within society.

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One of the main commentaries that Ibsen makes about the way society functions is that women feel the need to conceal their true identities from men. By doing so, women only show the agreeable facets of their personality to make their marriages work. It is seen as their duty to facilitate their husbands’ lives, so appearances are everything. Using the Christmas tree and certain animals as symbolic representations, the author suggests that there is more to women than apparent. Accordingly, men place great importance on the external aspect of a woman and treat the female sex as objects. Although in ...

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