How effectively does Priestely dramatise his political ideas?

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How effectively does Priestely dramatise his political ideas?

In the play ‘An inspector calls’ Priestley has many characters all individually different he displays their moral ways of life very well so in the end we end up agreeing with Priestley’s moral standings and views these being Socialist views equality etc. The main character Priestly uses to convey his ideas is the inspector.

The inspector from the play is set in a normal family household where the main constructor of moral values is Mr Birling “ a hard hitting business man” as he likes to call himself sets up these capitalist views of everyman for himself so he has a direct confrontation of different people which works well in showing Mr Birling wrong in most of what he is saying and sounding the inspector to be a great person. To make us think that the inspector is right Priestley uses many phrases such as “we are members of one body” “ we are responsible for each other” “if men don’t learn that lesson (being responsible for someone else), then they will be taught in fire and blood and anguish” these all represent what the play-write Priestley thinks and feels. This is really good way of getting across that Priestly is right because that of course does happen with the First World War. The inspector also shows a lot of empathy for Eva Smith the girl killed this is conveyed in the play when the inspector says “there are millions and millions of Eva Smiths and John Smiths still left with us, with their lives their hopes and fears, their suffering and chance of happiness” this showing he feels for the girl which the senior Birling’s don’t show at all they are more concerned about themselves.

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Mr and Mrs Birling are two very different people to the inspector; Mr Birling a “hard headed businessman” as he calls himself which really means pompous old man who talks rubbish and believes it is every man for himself. This is shown in the play when he talks about the Titanic  “unsinkable absolutely unsinkable” this shows that he is wrong another thing that that backs this up is when he talks of the 1940’s “there’ll be peace and prosperity” well that is completely wrong and stupid. To show that he is an individualist he says things such as “we ...

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