Love And Loss

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Love And Loss

I chose to discuss love and loss as these were two strong emotions that have occured in my life. They are both very different but also similar in a way.

The two poems I felt dealt with love and loss the best were 'The Thickness Of Ice' by Liz Loxley and 'Remember' by Christina Rossetti. I chose these poems as the thoughts reflected and the experiences included related very much to my own life and views.

'The Thickness of Ice' by Liz Loxley is a well structured, modern poem which refers to how strong love can be but how it can also be the cause to end a relationship. It shows how couples need more than love to keep them together.

'Ice' is a metaphor for a relationship. The persona uses this to show how it can be strong and can withstand pressure but can just as easily thaw, crack and eventually break.

Also, the persona uses visual metaphors such as "thickness" (stanza two) and "thinness" of ice. One representing a possible long lasting relationship, and the other representing how easily it can fall apart.

This poem portrays loss as in a couple going their separate ways.

'Remember' by Christina Rossetti is a pre-1900 sonnet which deals with life after the death of a loved one. It is a request from the poet on what to do and how to feel after her death. The persona is young, and the life expectancy of a young person in Victorian times was not very high compared to modern society. This suggests the persona may be dying which could be the reason she felt she should write her requests down for her partner.

Rossetti led a religious lifestyle which is evident from many of her poems and sonnets. For example, in this particular sonnet, she applies euphenisms to sound less harsh. She uses "gone away" in place of dead as the mention of death brings morbid and sorrowful thoughts to mind. Also, "gone far away" which gently lets him realise they will be physically seperated. Another euphenism used is "Into the silent land" which signifies heaven and the afterlife where they will not be able to speak to each other. The persona is trying to ease the pain her partner will endure due to her death.

"The Thickness Of Ice" is split into three stages of a relationship: the early stages, the relationship itself and the breakup which includes the feelings and regrets of the persona. The whole poem is written in the future tense, "We will meet..." and "We will be..." and the thoughts expressed are what the persona thinks will happen.

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There is no rhyme scheme but the rather unique device of brackets is incorporated into the poem. These brackets relay the persona's personal wishes and inner desires. Thoughts and dreams are inside them and reality is on the outside.

"Remember" is a sonnet and has an octave and a sestet, both with different messages being conveyed. In the octave, the persona asks her partner to remember her and to understand that love lasts past death. The sestet is in contrast to the octave in that she asks him to only remember her if he can be happy. This is ...

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