"The Bean Tree" by Babara Kingsolver. Journal Response

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The Bean Tree Journal Response

Jenny Xu

After reading the novel The Bean Tree, so far I have concluded five ideas from the novel. I learned that the author Babara Kingsolver is also a socialist therefore I think she addressed several severe social issues in her novel.

First of all, Kingsolver mentioned how psychologically disabled impact human lives. In the novel the character Angel becomes psychologically disabled after he lost a leg as a result of a car accident. He is unable to accept the fact that his inability prevents him from his interest of being a cow boy to attend a rodeo. Therefore, Angel is unable to overcome his anguish and sorrow so he is mentally collapsed. Angel’s sickened mind results him in disturbing personalities such as low self-esteem suspicious and depression. Therefore Angel was constantly suspecting his wife’s disloyalty and eventually led to the failure of his relationship. Angel’s wife Lou Ann was trying to help him to overcome his sorrow by stay in love with him and encouraging him to live happy. However Angel refused to recover. This is an example of a severe social issue for men, where most men choose to keep reticent when facing psychological difficulties. Because most men want to show their strongest side in society, they do not want other people such as women and children who are weaker than them to see their weak side. In this case, I believe Angel in is making the wrong choice in his life and he is the one who destroys his own life. Angel values to act manly more than his mental health and his family. I believe that no matter what circumstances we are in, we always have to deal with it to minimize our worst consequences. If anything disastrous that is irreversibly happening to us, we must face it and let it go as soon as possible. Stick with what makes us feel bad does not resolve the issue and will lead us into some worse situations. Also, it is not a shame to show our weak side when we are dealing with difficulties. I believe no one is strong enough to overcome all the tragedies in their lives. We must lower ourselves when receiving help from other people; we are doing for our own good.

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The second social issue mentioned by the author is the child abuse issue. I was horrified as I was reading through the part where Turtle has bruises on her lower body. As a young woman I can never imagine if I ever experienced the same abuse by that age. If that happened to me, I don’t think I would live up until now. I am also surprised by how evil human nature can be; I believe the person who dares to abuse an infant is morally corrupted. I feel sad and angry; it is such a sin to destroy a ...

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