"The Heart of Darkness" - a short review

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Written by Joseph Conrad in the early 20th century, "The Heart of Darkness" is a short and yet fantastic novel, which reveals the darkest sides of human nature. The story takes place in the mystical and savage jungle of Congo, where the European civilization and its devastating imperialism mixes with primitive cultures of our history, creating a disturbing environment like no other. The simple and ignorant minds are filled with fear while all their superior relatives know is conquest, ivory, greed, money and authority.

Marlow's journey takes him up the Congo River, which is surrounded by a thick and endless jungle filled with mystery and savage surprises. Africa is currently at the peak of its European conquest as it remains quite uncivilized and yet ruled by the white men. This tension can be felt in the air, as Marlow describes the jungle atmosphere as in "thick, moist, hot, unbearable and heavy." The dense growth in the jungle makes it extremely dark and the river is brown from the dirt that is swirled around. The strange and primitive appearances, actions and screams of the natives in the grip of the "civilized" and developed white men makes the setting that more disturbing.
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Mixing two opposite mentalities is similar to mixing of two colors like white and black. The white color shines in its brightness and purity until just a few drops of black can poison and darken its surface. The dominant black quickly sinks through the mixture until there is no brightness left to see. The darkest corners of our minds emerge and destroy anything that stands in their way. Compassion, sanity, simplicity and love are all dissolved in our darkest desires to conquer and destroy. I believe that when restraints and control is gone, the human evil will always ...

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