Building height prediction.

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Building Heights

Buildings are key features in any town or city, and Stafford is no exception. Buildings come in a variety of heights and widths. Stafford also has a vast selection of multi-aged buildings, with buildings ranging from the Victorian times to new more modern buildings. The age of the building will also affect its height, because although land prices didn’t change that much nearly all-Victorian architecture consisted of very similar heights. Each building has been specially built with its location in mind, as buildings now built closer to the CBD has a higher land value while further away has a lower land rent value. In order to investigate Stafford’s building heights we were split up into pairs so as to analyse each building individually. The investigation into Stafford’s building heights gave me the chance to explore the following hypothesis:

  1. The buildings will become taller as one gets closer to the C.B.D.

2.)    The buildings within the same vicinity will be of        

         approximately similar heights.

Building height Prediction

This simple diagram shows that the closer to the C.B.D. you get the greater number of storeys the buildings have. This graph is only a generalisation of most towns and cities and does not work for them all. It follows the principal that because buildings closer to the C.B.D. have a higher rent price per metre squared building owners build vertically appose to horizontally.

     This graph defiantly doesn’t work for Stafford’s building height. This is because the majority of the building heights are either two or three storeys in all areas. The actual graph displaying Stafford’s building heights will follow this page.    

Data Collection

The information was gathered by pairs of pupils being assigned to different stations across Stafford. We then had to walk around our designated area and count the number of storeys of each building. The stations were located both in main streets and side ones. This was so we could get a true picture of Stafford’s building heights.

A large A3 map of Stafford consisting of every class members building height results are displayed on the following page. This is because it is easier to analyse results as a group oppose to separately. If all the results are displayed together identifying patterns of possible links will also be far easier. The recording of the building height data was not specified to a particular time as the time of the day did not affect the reliability of the results.

     While collecting my personal data I encountered only one real problem. This was that I found it difficult to find exactly where each building was located on the map. This is because the map was extremely small and the location of each specific building was hard to identify. I rectified this problem by approximating the results of the displayed buildings.

     In the future I would suggest one improvement in order to enhance the quality of the students results in, I would issue each pair a large, up to date map of their specific area. This would make the process of the data collection both more accurate and efficient thus enhancing both investigation and aqnalysis.    


After observing the building heights on a large A3 map of Stafford, it became clear that most buildings in all areas were either two or three storeys in height.

     This makes my first hypothesis inconclusive namely that the buildings will become taller as one gets closer to the C.B.D. This hypothesis was made because the land within the central business district has a very high rent rate so usually buildings within the CBD are built vertically with the aim to save money. There was also some increase in height towards the centre of the town. However I then decided that I would try and explore this hypothesis further. I decided to draw a cross sectional line graph displaying the results displayed on my map. The line I have drawn is clearly on my map on the previous page. The graph still shows that my hypothesis was incorrect. However it does show that there are a couple of very high buildings towards the perimeter of Stafford, these two buildings do not fit the general pattern of Stafford’s building heights at all. The reason why these two buildings may be as tall as they are is that they may be  high profile buildings such as a bank or solicitors which require a number of floors to accommodate the large number of different sectors and departments.      

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     My second hypothesis however, namely buildings within the same vicinity will be of approximately similar heights was proved correct. As you can see the from the map there is a strong congregation of buildings with 2 or 3 floors situated predominantly in the north east of Stafford. While there is a number of one storey high buildings right in the centre of Stafford. The buildings also tend to increase in height towards the centre of Stafford. This is because the further away from the CBD you are the lower the land prices are, so building owners decide to ...

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