The aim of this project is to define the boundary of the CBD of Stamford through an investigation with the use of both primary and secondary data.

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The aim of this project is to define the boundary of the CBD of Stamford through an investigation with the use of both primary and secondary data.


These are a few hypotheses on which my investigation would be focused and based on:

  1. Number of Pedestrians will increase towards the CBD
  2. There will be more parking restrictions towards the CBD
  3. There will be less residential and more commercial land use towards the CBD
  4. The shopping quality and street appearance will improve towards the CBD
  5. There will be more street furniture and CCTV cameras towards the CBD

The Central Business District

Before going further, it is important that we have a complete understanding of what a CBD is. CBD is the central area and the focal point of a city or town. It is the commercial, retail, social and cultural centre with a large concentration of shops, public buildings, offices and various entertainments. These are some of the main characteristics of the CBD:

  1. It is usually the geographical centre and the oldest part of a settlement
  2. It is very accessible as there is a convergence of public transport networks and roads to allow larger threshold of customers.
  3. Due to its accessibility, it has a high population density and this result in high land values.
  4. The high land values encourage the developoment of taller buildings to save precious land space and money.
  5. The high land values also means that there will be less residential settlement as people either cannot or are not willing to pay the high rent in the CBD. However, there are a few luxurious residential flats or houses for those who could afford to do so.
  6. The CBD is mainly used for shops and offices rather than manufacturing purposes because of the high land value. The land is too expensive to be utilized for manufacturing due to its low profit margin and its requirement of large amount of space. The ground floor is often used for shops, whilst the higher floors are used for offices and professional services.
  7. There will be a higher number of pedestrians due to large amounts of commercial activity, which in turn attracts more shops, creating a multiplier effect.
  8. Pedestrianisation takes place to increase the capacity of pedestrians and to make shopping safer.

‘’The CBD is the central district of a city, usually typified by a concentration of retail and commercial buildings.’’ (

Bid rent model

The model on the left is a bid rent model.  It describes how land value peaks at the centre due to retailing companies paying the highest rent for the land they wish to set up their businesses on. It shows that the rent that the retailing companies are willing to pay decreases dramatically as the land is further away from the CBD. Therefore, the centre is mostly dominated by retailing. Industry bid rents are the second highest for the centre, and therefore they occupy the zone just outside the centre. Residential uses have the lowest bid rents for the centre and the highest further away from the centre, therefore residential uses tend to be dominant near the outskirts.

The Burgess model

‘’The Concentric ring model also known as the Burgess model is one of the earliest theoretical models to explain urban social structures .’’ (

As the burgess model above illustrates, it divides a typical city into 5 main zones. The centre is the CBD, where the more major companies set up their offices and shops. The area in red surrounding the CBD is the transition zone, mainly populated by factories and manufacturing industry. Further away is the inner city area in green. It is mainly populated by lower class housing for workers working in the transition zone.  These houses are often very small, as the companies tried to accommodate as many workers as possible within the least amount of space. Further away are the middle and high class residential zones in purple and yellow. The houses in these two zones tend to be more spacious and luxurious. It is inhabited mainly by the middle and upper class, as it has larger plots of land for houses and it is still within a reasonable distance from the CBD, allowing them to travel to the CBD for work every day. Although this model is essentially correct, in reality, land uses in different areas of the cities are often mixed and undefined. Numerous other factors, such as topography, wind direction and relief, all contribute to how a city is planed. There are no typical cities in reality which followed the model exactly. The model is made to give a very basic layout of a city without consideration of factors affecting individual cities.

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The Hoyt model is another attempt to divide up a settlement. It looks slightly more irregular and is to some extent a slightly more accurate model than the Burgess Model. However, again, it has the same weakness as the burgess model and can only be used to give a very general idea about the land use within a city.

The Different Areas of the CBD


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