Delimiting the CBD of Stamford. Evaluation In general, the investigation has been a success. The most of the data collected agrees with the hypotheses and the CBD has been delimited without great difficulty.

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In general, the investigation has been a success. The most of the data collected agrees with the hypotheses and the CBD has been delimited without great difficulty. The occasionally anomalies were easy to recognize and most could be explained. However, as with any projects, there are limitations which prevented the results from being perfect. There are four main factors which restricted the degree of accuracy of my project:

  1. Limitation of time and resources
  2. Pilot Errors
  3. Survey Error
  4. Temporal factors

Limitation of time and resources

This is perhaps the most fundamental problem faced with all projects. The amount of time and resources often prevents accuracy improvements upon the results. In this particular project, this has become even more significant as a proper investigation on Stamford’s CBD would require a lot more resources and time. Firstly, the data collection is done by a class of around 20 students over one morning. Although Stamford is a relatively small settlement, the data collected by such a small group of people over a short period of time is barely representative enough in delimiting the CBD of the whole of Stamford, despite the use of secondary data. The street furniture collection could not be completed in time for the transects, nor could parking restrictions. Also, due to the people and time available, only 4 hypotheses could be investigated into within the given time. More hypotheses would significantly strengthen the accuracy of the delimitation of the CBD. For example, we could investigate into building heights and show that buildings near the centre of CBD tend to be taller than those outside the CBD. Secondly, the accuracy could be greatly improved if the data collection could be repeated over a couple of days. However, travelling to Stamford every morning to repeat the data collection would be inefficient in both time and cost, and therefore this could not be done.  Thirdly, the data collection was done at a different time for different points, due to the number of students available. This is especially significant for pedestrian count, as the number of people vary significantly during the different times of the day. This error is diminished by speeding up the data collection and shortening the time difference between the data collection at various points.

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Pilot Errors

The students were split into different groups for the data collection. For a group of students this size, there would undoubtedly be some mistakes among certain groups, such as miscounting the number pedestrians, or missing out CCTV camera because it was hard to spot. However, these individual mistakes are unlikely to be significant, as this project is more concerned with the general picture. The major source of pilot errors came from the scoring of shopping quality and street appearance. The scoring system is highly subjective and the scoring guidelines were not specific enough.  For example, descriptions were only ...

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