Describe how you would treat and manage shyness in young children

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Describe how you would treat and manage shyness in young children.

Research and studies have found that shyness in children could be due to genetic, temperamental, and environmental influences (Jaffe, 1991, p. 270, & Zimbardo 1995, p. 56).  This paper aims to discuss the types of shyness, the influences on shyness, the difference between normal and problematic shyness.  Lastly, strategies will be presented to help the shy child.

The basic feeling of shyness is a common problem not only among children but also among adults.  According to Zimbardo (1995, p.56-57) and Jaffe (1995, p. 270), shyness is a mix of emotions, including fear and interest, tension and pleasantness.  A shy child may display in his/her behaviour a downward gaze, physical, and verbal reticence.  That is he/she will try to avoid eye contact or withdraw slightly or totally when being touched or talked to.  The speech is often soft, almost inaudible, and at times, very hesitant.

Shyness is very often a mistaken and misunderstood emotion.  It ought to be distinguished from two related behaviour patterns: wariness and social disengagement.  It is very normal that young infants are very wary of strangers as it is a time that attachment to familiar faces of caregivers are very important during this period of growing and trusting in the surrounding physical and human environment (Gonzalez-Mena, & Widmeyer Eyer, 2001, p. 77).

For older children who may prefer solitary play and appear to have low needs for social interaction, would usually not experience the emotional tensions of the genuinely shy child (Van Hoorn et al, 2003, p. 242-243, & Cohen et al, 1987, p. 80).

Children may be vulnerable to shyness at particular developmental stages.  Fearful shyness in response to new adults emerges in infancy.  As the child gains cognitive advances in self-awareness, it brings on greater social sensitivity in the second year.  Self-conscious shyness, at times feeling embarrassed, begins to appear at 4 or 5 years in age.  Self-consciousness peaks as the child enters into early adolescence (Berk, 2002).

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What kind of situations or influences causes children shyness?  New social encounters are the most frequent causes of shyness, especially if the child feels himself/herself to be the focus of attention.  Zimbardo (1995, p. 108) explains that shyness has been attributed to the “rapidly change social environment and competitive pressures of school and work with which children and adults must cope.”

Researchers have implicated both nurture and nature in children shyness.  Some aspects of shyness are learned.  Children’s cultural background and family environment model different aspects of social behaviour.  Reid and Vans (1989, p.199-218) have found that Children ...

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