Designer Babies - Should parents be able to choose their children's sex, intelligence or looks?

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Emma Wilson 10G

Designer Babies

Should parents be able to choose their children’s sex, intelligence or looks?

It's easy to imagine the possibilities for making genetically modified people, using artificial chromosomes or some other technology. A double helping of genes that could create more intelligence or strength could be on the menu soon. That might seem scary to us. But will it seem scary to our children?

The fact is designer babies are here brought to us by high technology. The question is not; “should we make designer babies” but “How far should we go?”

There are different reasons why people want to have designer babies. Some would just like a perfect child who is intelligent and good-looking, but there are more tragic cases. A couple named Raj and Shahana Hashmi have a three-year-old son named Zain who has beta thalassaemia major, which creates potentially fatal levels of iron in his blood.

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His condition can only be cured by a bone marrow transplant from a perfect genetic match but no suitable donor has been found. The only way Zain can be saved is if Raj and Shahana have a designer baby.

Embryo selection will allow cells from the designer babies umbilical cord to be used for a transplant to save Zain's life.

This case is one reason why we should allow designer babies to be produced. However, should we only let designer babies be produced for life saving reasons and not for perfect children?

In countries like China couples are ...

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