Background and Outline of The Treaty of Versailles

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Europe after the war: starvation (shortages of food &medicine); countries in a bad situation; new government in Germany with difficulties; communism expansions; ALLIES: angry and wanted revenge, devastates by the damage caused in the first war world, lots of deaths, economy in ruins, France and Belgium are destroyed and devastated, blamed Germany for having starts the war, angrier when they saw the harsh terms of the Brest-Litovsk treaty.

Versailles: where the allies met, treaty worked out by the representatives of Britain, France &USA, none of the defeated countries took part.

Representatives: Lloyd George (Britain): he wants to restore trade with Germany, which would help Britain’s industry. He also wanted to take Germany’s overseas colonies. Clemenceau (France): he demanded a treaty that would weaken Germany as much as possible. He was angered by the fact that Germany has invaded France twice. He wanted to cripple Germany. Wilson (USA): Nations should cooperate to achieve peace after the war. 14 pointsinternational body (LON): diplomacy open, freedom of the seas, free trade, disarmament, attention to the people of the colonies, German forces to leave Russia, Belgium independence, Alsace Lorraine for France, to charge Italy-Austria frontiers, self determination for nationalists, Serbia->access to the sea, self determination (Turkish), Poland independence, set up an organization (LON).

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Disagreements: Clemenceau vs. Wilson: Clemenceau resented Wilson’s generous attitude to Germany. USA had suffered no damage, but France was devastated. Disagreed over Rhineland and coalfields in the Saars, 1870 First German invasion to France->had to give Alsace Lorraine. Clemenceau vs. Lloyd George: Lloyd George didn’t want to treat Germany so harshly but Clemenceau yes did. Lloyd George vs. Wilson: Didn’t agree with Wilson over allowing all nations the access to the seas. Also, self determination was threatening to Britain, and that was what Wilson wanted (Self-Determination).

Terms: 1) War Guilt-> Germany had to accept the blame, 2) Germany’s armed forces: army limited to 100,000, conscription ...

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