How Did The Nazis Change And Control Peoples Lives In Germany After 1933?

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Dominic Hullah 10AS

How Did The Nazis Change And Control Peoples Lives In Germany After 1933?


The Nazis came to power on January 30th 1933 (the date Hitler became Chancellor). They got into power for many reasons: one was that Germany was in a decline after the war, they had lost land and industry, had huge debts and were undergoing several new governments with new ideas .The German people were annoyed with the government, they thought they were stabbed in the back because of the Treaty of Versailles. There was also hyperinflation in 1923 with the cost of an egg rising from 0.08DM to 80,000,000,000 DM. As a result people who depended on their savings (e.g. pensioners) had many troubles and a lot died (it is worth mentioning that Hitler didn't do anything illegal to get elected).

After this, many Germans wanted Hitler elected. They saw his election as a change for the better and thought the Nazi's would make Germany a world force again, however they didn't know they would be indoctrinated and that the Nazi's would control and change their lives so substantially. The Nazi's wanted to control the German people's lives for many reasons: one wad that there would be no attempted uprisings against them and another was so the Nazi's could be a world force. In this essay I will look at the ways in which they did so
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The Nazis probably didn't control people's lives through propaganda but they changed it in the sense that they were everywhere: posters on the street, radio stations , parades etc . It was impossible to get away from the Nazis as they were omnipresent and their beliefs were drummed into the German public. The Nazis realised how important propaganda was as they even appointed a Minister Of propaganda


The Nazis controlled and changed people's lives through religion. Hitler signed an agreement with the Pope that, if the Pope persuades all bishops to take ...

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