How did Nazis get control of everyday life in Germany after 1933?

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How did Nazis get control of everyday life in Germany after 1933?

“How did Nazis get control of everyday life in Germany after 1933?” the Nazis were increasingly gaining power since Hitler became chancellor, and their tactics of getting that power and keeping control was progressing this essay will show just how Hitler and his followers gained power and control over the country.

There was a time where Hitler decided in 1923 that to gain power of Germany he must topple over the (no so great) Weimar republic in the Munich Putsch. But that idea was a shambles, with Nazi storm troopers ‘invading’ government buildings, which resulted in 16 Nazis being shot. During this Hitler had run away, later on he was caught and put on trail and imprisoned for 5 years but with his incredible speech (which impressed the judge) he was let of lightly with 9 months. After his time in jail, (in which he wrote his book Mein Kampf) he realised he should rebuild the Nazi party, he saw the communists building up their strength through youth organisations and soon the Nazis had the Hitler Youth Group, this was one of the first steps of control.

After the incident with Gustav Stresemann and the wall street crash, a lot of people were without jobs and Hitler grabbed his opportunity to gain some power, and support so he told all unemployed people they could all have jobs and this made them very happy. He came to please three other groups of people the ex-service men who Hitler promised a good pension plan, the industrialists who had been promised that communists will not come to power or bother them, and the middle class who had been promised that hyperinflation will not occur again. Here was a great example of where Hitler gained control of these groups of people by making them happy and hence they supported him.

Hitler used several other ways of sustaining control one of which was

Propaganda (the media). The media was a very successful way of gaining control because everyone saw it; this was a very clever idea because when the posters etc. were kept being thrown at all the German people they would just have opinions like the media has drilled them with. For example if there was a poster showing that Hitler was great and a person was to see that one poster 100 times, everyday that person would probably think that Hitler was great. There was other means of media like when the children were to go and see their afternoon film there would be shown a clip before the film, called the Hitler Propaganda Films this showed the “perfect Germany” with blonde haired blue eyes people being great again this would work in the same way as the posters. This ‘film’ would usually star Leni Reifenstahl a ‘perfect’ woman in the eyes of Hitler to act in the films.

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Propaganda was important to the Nazis as a way of convincing the people to support them. Goebbels used the press, posters and radio broadcasts to spread Nazi ideas and organised big party rallies, which made the Nazis, look good. Education was also used to spread Nazi ideas about race and war, but it was particularly important because this was a way of making future generations into Nazi supporters. Force was used where propaganda and education had failed. If the people could not be convinced that the Nazis were right then they were punished or removed from society so that ...

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