How far did Hitler succeed in creating a Volksgemeinschaft between 1933-39?

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Matthew Watson


How far did Hitler succeed in creating a Volksgemeinschaft between 1933-39?

Volksgemeinschaft essentially means National Community. Hitler wanted all ethnic Germans who were genetically pure to come together into one Community to be the superior dominating race in the world. Those in Germany, who were not ethnically German, possessed communist, homosexual, Jewish or Romany values would be excluded from this community Put in concentration camps removed from any high office and discriminated against. Volksgemeinschaft also involved a sense of hyper-Nationalism and racism in that Hitler wanted people to believe that they should be proud to be part of the Volksgemeinschaft and wanted people to be predigest against those who were not as racially pure or genetically superior.

For the National Community idea to work Hitler needed to heal the divisions in society that Democracy had caused in June 1933 the Nazi party started the Reinhardt programme which aimed via a series of public work to vastly reduce the 6 million unemployed in Germany. This made the German people feel as if there country actually needed them again rather than being a burden to the state and this was the first step to making people belong to the Volksgemeinschaft. Also to help the poor and needy in Germany Hitler introduced Eintopfgericht, which meant that once a month the well off in Germany would make the sacrifice and have a one pot meal and donate the money saved on the three course meal they would have had to the winter relief scheme to help there fellow Volksegenossen. (National Comrades) The winter relief fund also collected from door to door and by 1938 was able to make 9 million payments in that year. Which show's that people were donating to the scheme and therefore actively taken part in the Volksgemeinschaft.
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In May 1933, Hitler Abolished individual Trade Unions and created the German Labour front which brought all workers and employees together in the same organization this enabled them to feel united and by 1939, there were 22 million members of the German Labour front, which showed that a vast number of people, prepared to be evolved with the project.

The Nazi party also helped the rural areas feel included in the community in June and September 1933 the nazi's announced generous credit arrangements for rural improvements and imposed tariffs on imported food to encourage people to help ...

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