Study Source A and Source B - How far do these two accounts agree about Prohibition?

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Keith Huang                History Coursework

Study Source A and Source B. How far do these two

accounts agree about Prohibition? (7 marks)

In both sources they discuss why prohibition was introduced and the effects of it. They were both written during the 1970’s and were both used as American History Books so some of the ideas are similar. In these sources they show that the organizations trying to campaign for prohibition and that they created a very strong image on the public, they had succeeded in what they set out to do and eventually gained so much public support that the constitution passed the rule to ban alcohol. The reasons of prohibition are debatable but the results of it were unquestionable, the fact is that its outcome was it created the greatest criminal boom ever and this is illustrated in both sources.

There are a lot of different views on the reason that was mainly responsible why prohibition was introduced. The views include things like alcohol is addictive and a person act improperly when drunk therefore people could have thought that an alcoholic drink contained evil spirits which made a person be wrongdoing after a few drinks. Source A mentions that the there are a lot of historians that disagree on why prohibition was introduced.

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For why prohibition was introduced, these two sources both talk about how the Anti-Saloon league played a major role in leading the protests against alcohol. The sources agree on how the Anti-Saloon league had a hefty influence on how the public viewed the situation. The two sources talk about the mass amount of grain that was used in brewing or distilling, they say that instead of using that grain for food.

Source A and B have some different ideas for why prohibition was introduced, although they agree some major actions were taken for prohibition during 1917, they state ...

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